Wednesday, November 1, 2023

wednesday 01

wednesday 01



.yesterday's events: whatever 





.dream: don't remember, refer to notebook images below, end dream 






.dream: on a hill, phone call being made, three guys walk towards me then walk away, 

end scene, 


.dining room, pass through, restricted table, pass by, another table, this one i can eat at, 

end dream 



.a - phone call scene                             b - me 

c - three guys walking away                 d - dining room 

e - restricted table                                  f - table i can eat at 





.dream: in a basement area, some guy is moping the floor, perhaps waxing it, some lady with 

a jackhammer appears, she drills a hole in the blue floor, then evens out the entire floor, end scene, 


.standing in a doorway, some guy is pretending to be a sniper and is acting very aggressive 

towards some lady in the hall, end scene, 


.in a nightclub, sitting at a side booth, some lady below in another booth is singing, a big 

guy gets shot in the back, the guy who pulled the trigger comes up and starts talking to 

me, end dream 



.a - stairs up from basement                             b - lady with jackhammer 

c - guy moping floor                                         d - central basement pillar 

e - me                                                                f - people 


g - me in doorway                                             h - sniper guy 

i - woman                                                          j - night club 

k - me in booth                                                  l - lady singing 

m - guy who gets shot 



.image below: lady with jackhammer detail 






.dream: a guy (b.s) is in my bathroom and snorting cocaine, he finishes and goes out into 

the main room, i'm in the bathroom, some women with shaved heads enter my apartment, 

end dream 



.a - my apartment                                         b - bathroom 

c - toilet                                                        d - b.s snorting cocaine 

e - bathroom counter                                    f - main door 

g - women with shaved heads 



.image below: toilet and corner of counter in bathroom detail 











.wake up


.run outside







.      5        45         4505045            4          04            0       50440        50         540     




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