Sunday, November 19, 2023

sunday 19

sunday 19












.dream: in grandpa's house, some guy with me, grandpa makes an announcement about a 

criminal being in his house and disappears, i ask guy what he wants, guy says to 

get to an ATM machine and find a place to sleep, 


.i tell guy i can take him to an ATM and show him where the homeless camps are, 

grandpa's son goes outside and makes an announcement with a loud speaker, 

'...criminal in my house ... security ...', 


.i go over to corner of house, turn down radio with buttons, guy uses the knob to 

turn down radio, there's a christmas tree in corner of room that me and guy 

brought here, 


.i look into guys eyes, no experience, essentially the mind of a child, 


.all i need to do is find my pants and we can leave, looking for my 

pants, go down on low angles bed, no pants, look up on low wall, 

laundry basket and my black and white checkered jacket, no pants, 


.kids shoes and video game controller in middle of room, finally i find 

my pants, i'll give this guy an old shirt but i'm keeping my shorts and 

pants, put on pants, take off kids shoes, all i need to do is get my 

ear plugs and we can leave, 


.'i thought we'd be together forever' guy says and goes into a back room, 

end dream 



.a - grandpa's house                             b - christmas tree 

c - radio                                                d - guy and loud speaker outside 

e - low bed on slant                              f - laundry basket with my coat 


g - stairs down to main door                 h - my pants 

hb - guy goes into back room               i - kids shoes and video game controller 

j - ear plugs 




.image below: radio and christmas tree detail 





.image below: kids shoes and video game controller detail 






.dream: in an office trailer, officer guy and other guy at a desk, officer says something 

to me, my red and black nunchucks are on desk, i leave trailer, walking outside, 

two guys following me, 


.get into my RV, d.g is in driver's seat, keys in ignition, i left the keys there, 

against my will, d.g starts to drive my RV, i tell him to stop, he stops by a 



.i push him out of the RV and down into the field, pick him up, beat him up a 

bit then push him back down into field, i get back into my RV and drive back 

alone, end dream 



.a - me in office trailer                             b - officer and other guy 

c - my toy nunchucks                               d - walking outside 


e - my RV                                                 f - d.g driving my RV 

g - d.g in a field                                        h - driving my RV back by myself 




.image below: red and black nunchucks detail 





.image below: d.g in field detail 











.wake up


.run outside 




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