Wednesday, November 8, 2023

wednesday 08

wednesday 08






.dream: water slide to train car tree house, end scene, 


.in grandparent's house, computer, some bachelor article is being written about me, 

'the last thing i need is a seven page glossy spread in some east coast political magazine' i say, 

some lady comes over to the computer, 'moderation' she says, i slowly back away, 


.walking through back area of house, strawberry sauce desserts, i put my finger in 

one and lick my finger, end dream 



.a - water slide                                 b - train car tree house 

c - grandparent's house                    d - computer 

e - me                                               f - some lady 

g - strawberry sauce desserts 



.image below: strawberry sauce dessert detail 






.dream: in a university library, early morning before classes start, trying to do my homework 

on a cell phone, some guy walks into the back lab with my skateboard, i remember that i 

left it in some other building, 


.i look up a map on my cell phone, trying to find the name of the building where i 

left my skateboard so i can tell the guy, find a map of the quad with all the buildings 

labeled, the building i left my board in is called 'ГЬМ ГIJIIМ', 


.go into back lab area, guy with my board has no chair and is kneeling in front 

of a computer, i grab my board and walk away, 'i start slow' is what he says, 


.go back to where i was, trying to do my homework before class starts, 

end dream 



.a - me                                         b - guy with my skateboard 

c - university map                        d - quad 

e - library                                      f - ГЬМ ГIJIIМ building 


g - grad student computer science lab 

h - i take my skateboard from guy 

i - doing my homework 



.image below: university map detail 















.wake up


.park workout 




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