Tuesday, November 14, 2023

tuesday 14

tuesday 14






.dream: come outside from my apartment building, a car has just driven by, sun is 

behind some clouds, i hold up my arms, angle from the car to the sun is vertical, 

end scene, 


.in a moving train car, going up a hill, some russian guy has a white strap around his 

neck and is trying to hang himself, i reach back behind the guy's head and grab a 

book, i give the book to some person and say in russian


.'самый хорошый подушки' (best pillow), 


.the person says i'm saying pillow wrong, we negotiate meaning on some 

new words, end dream 



.a - apartments                             b - sun behind clouds 

c - car                                           d - me 


e - train car                                   f - me 

g - russian guy trying to hang himself 

h - book                                        i - person i give book to 



.image below: in the train car detail 







.                https://dddurb5r.wordpress.com/2023/11/14/dream-14-nov-2023/




.dream: driving my red truck around in a shopping mall parking garage, 


.outside the mall on a road, enter into shopping mall, walking, lady and stairs up 

on the left, in a 'commuter area', i've been here before but i'm usually moving fast 

and sliding on my feet, now i'm walking at a normal speed and wearing 

uncomfortable black dress shoes, 


.walking in the commuter area, i'm not in the actual mall, guy on the right goes into 

a single person elevator and up to his job, another guy has some jewelry for sale 

on display, earrings and bracelets and such, i keep walking forwards, end scene,


.in house from elementary school, dining room, sitting with ex-girlfriend at 

table, eating, eating macaroni noodles with chopsticks from a styrofoam container, 

finish all the noodles, some greens keep appearing, i eat the greens, 

ex-girlfriend is talking about something, end dream 



.a - truck                                     b - shopping mall parking garage 

c - road outside mall                   d - inside mall, commuter area 


e - some lady and stairs up          f - me 

g - guy goes into single person elevator 

h - guy with jewelry                    i - me and ex-girlfriend eating 



.image below: guy with jewelry on display detail 




.image below: macaroni noodles and greens in styrofoam container and chopsticks detail 







.                https://dddurbfive.wixsite.com/dddurb5w/post/dream-14-nov-2023




.wake up 






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