Thursday, November 9, 2023

thursday 09

thursday 09






.dream: direction of main water flow established, water is dripping from refrigerator door, 

this is an auxiliary water flow, i put a red plastic cup under fridge door, catches the water, 

guy (t.e) in room with me, end dream 



.a - main water flow                                 b - refrigerator door 

c - red plastic cup                                     d - auxiliary water flow 

e - t.e                                                         f - me 










.dream: leaf on a stem, i touch it, becomes stronger, a computer screen is plugged into 

a rock, nothing going on, touch the computer screen, very solid, end dream 



.a - rock 

b - leaf on stem 

c - computer screen 





.dream: running on a track, some bar is coming out from my left foot, running team on track 

as well, enter into indoor stadium, people in bleachers, looking for exit, some women 

below are throwing a ball at door, i exit, people outside, 


.need to pee, walk up stairs to bathroom, arkansas, pillow under my left arm, peeing in 

low grate in bathroom, a phone rings, end scene, 


.just woke up, messy hair, need to clean up because i'm going to canada, long 

sleeve shirts, end scene, 


.day area, night area, some lady throws a hybrid berry plant into the night area, 

i look at and examine the hybrid berry plant, end dream 



.a - me on running track                             b - running team 

c - bleachers, indoors                                 d - women throwing ball at door 

e - people outside                                       f - bathroom 


g - phone rings                                            h - me with messy hair 

i - long sleeve shirts                                    j - day time area 

k - night time area                                       l - hybrid berry plant 



.image below: peeing in low grate in bathroom detail 




.image below: hybrid berry plant detail 











.wake up






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