Friday, November 3, 2023

friday 03

friday 03













.dream: in a basement area, information written on the wall, three items, don't remember, 

go over to some shelves with pamphlets, lots of people here, crowded, i go upstairs, 


.usually these rooms are empty, brother is in one room, n.s is in another, a.s is in another room, 

i go over to room with brother in it, brother wakes up, mentions a joint bank account, 

end scene, 


.on porch from house from elementary school with brother, some kind of whale time keeping 

statue in neighbors yard, statue moves, i look out into the water, giant blue whale appears, 

blue whale is swimming around, end dream 



.a - information on wall                                     b - pamphlets on shelf

c - people                                                            d - stairs up 


e - brother in room                                              f - n.s in room 

g - a.s in room                                                     h - brother and me on porch 

i - whale clock statue                                          j - huge blue whale in water 



.image below: blue whale detail 






.dream: in house from elementary school, walking around with a towel on, aunt is watching tv, 

image of me on tv, i go upstairs, lying in the window, small white cat with grey spots goes 

over to sleeping mat, i go over to sleeping mat, cat is gone, end scene, 


.leave a building, going down some stairs, going to a class, enter class, russian president 

putin is teaching class, some thing about race cars, some people on my left stand up, 

end scene, 


.in my current kitchen, some guy squeezing my hand real hard, i've got a hand written note 

from my mother, written in blue ink, 'do not disconnect' it reads, end dream 



.a - house from elementary school                         b - aunt watching tv 

c - me in window                                                    d - cat on sleeping mat 


e - stairs down from building                                  f - classroom 

g - me                                                                       h - putin 

i - people                                                                  j - me in kitchen 



.image below: cat detail 






.wake up










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