Sunday, November 26, 2023

sunday 26

sunday 26






.dream: a guy is trying to get a job as an artist, he's invited to live with a curator in 

new york city for a week as a kind of trial run, after the week is over the guy gets the 

job, he goes to live in new york city for a longer period of time, 


.the art produced is liquid soap art, which is colored liquid soap that makes different 

patterns in rectangular trays, end dream 



.image below: liquid soap art example detail 











.dream: in a building, move past an officer (g.m), go do something in a back area, come into 

laundry room, my clothes are dry, i'm naked, tuck penis between legs, i seem to have two 

dicks, one tucked between my legs and the normal one in front of me, choose some 

military pyjama pants, 


.go into a front area, i'm lying on the floor, two women behind service counter on my left, 

a slender women enters, she's confined in a large rectangular frame with two wheels at the 

bottom for mobility, some kind of medical equipment, she's been injured, she comes up 

to me and looks at my dick, end scene, 


.by an ATM machine, two guys are trying to hack into my bank accounts, each one puts 

a finger up, i could put my finger between theirs to help them but the one guy is an 

expert hacker and is able to hack into my financial accounts, 


.one guy hands me two fake bank cards, one blue and one red, so in my hands 

i have four bank cards, red real, red fake, blue real and blue fake, i check the numbers, 

the numbers on each of the four cards are different, i decide to 

keep the real red card since the fake red one might be easily spotted, i give the 

guy my fake red card, i also give the guy my real blue card and i keep the fake blue card,


.so i have, real red, fake blue, 


.guy has, fake red, real blue, 


.the guy has a receipt, i have one as well, i give the guy my receipt since i can't 

take it back with me anyways, i'm transferred back to wherever it was i came from, 

end scene,  


.in an outdoor stairwell, lady and guy on a military date, lady has a green blind fold on, 

two nurses enter the stairwell where i am, one nurse knocks a pillow of my lap, the other 

nurse says that i kept red and asks to see my claws, i look over to my right, some 

visual hallucination type stuff, description below, 


.<<<begin violent sexual content warning>>>


.a guy with an abnormally massive erection is standing over a blond guy on his knees, 

the guy with the huge boner stuffs his throbbing cock into the kneeling guy's mouth and 

back into his skull, the guy's brains explode out the back of his head in an orange splatter 

on the wall behind him, 


.then the cock guy rams his dick down the kneeling guy's throat into his 

body cavity and ruptures all of his internal organs, end scene, 


..<<<end violent sexual content warning>>>


.i enter into a deli, a guy pushes a double baby stroller with infant twins in it up to the food 

counter, i run up to see what kinds of foods are offered, lots to choose from, sliced 

deli meats, vegetables and such, end dream 



.a - officer g.m                             b - my path 

c - laundry room                          d - service counter 

e - lady in medical frame             f - bank hackers at ATM


g - my real and fake bank cards 

h - military date                             i - me in stairwell with pillow on lap 

j - two nurses                                 k - blowjob scene 


l - guy and double baby stroller 

m - food in deli 




.image below: banking hack scene detail 





.image below: lady in medical frame detail 





.image below: double baby stroller with infants in deli detail 






.wake up









.      3           13            1353153            1            51            5        13551         35        153      




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