Saturday, November 25, 2023

saturday 25

saturday 25












.dream: in a room, sitting at a large round table, some guy on my right, two women 

across from me, everyone has little items in front of them, one lady across from me is 

taking several off-white pills, medical prescription, 


.i notice that the guy next to me has been holding something out for a long time, 

seems to be a small red container of coffee creamer, guy wants to trade it for something, 

some lady makes a comment, something about coffee as well, i say i like to drink 

coffee on occasion, end dream 



.a - room                                 b - door 

c - table                                   d - me 

e - guy holding something out for a long time 

f - lady taking pills                 g - other lady 




.image below: off-white pills and coffee creamer detail 






.dream: on a moving train, some guy on my right, kid across from us, kid is talking, talking 

about language and language use and something, window, water outside, kid keeps talking, 

he says 'what i mean to says is ...', i respond 'what do you mean to say ...', i look outside again, 

a dog is running towards the train, end scene, 


.in a swimming pool, very shallow water, sitting down with a group of people, i get up, 

go over to deep end, a little girl i standing up on side of pool, i walk past her, her 

parents are in the water, i put my head into the water and let my entire body sink 

down into the pool, the water is about as deep as i am tall, end scene, 


.in a house, small grey dog on the floor, guy in a doorway, someone says that the guy served 

real good zucchini ice cream last night, turn my attention to the small grey dog on floor, 

give it a dog treat, dog is now sliding around on dog bowl like it's a roller skate, 

dog pukes up a bit of the treat, guess it was too much for him, 


.i use some paper and pick up dog treat puke from floor, go over to trash can, trying to 

put dog treat puke in trash but now there is a whole lot more of it and my grey shirt 

seems to be in between dog treat puke and trash can, end scene, 


.outside, suburban housing complex, i go up to the house of a lady i know (m.a), she's a mental 

health nurse, and i put my skateboard by her door, leave, come back, skateboard seems 

newer now, pick up board, 


.guy approaches, i ask him if he knows m.a, he says that he's her husband, another guy 

appears, tells me i can't keep doing this, i take my board and leave, 


.skating down a wooden walkway, right turn, two young kids on walkway, girl and boy, the 

girl moves out of the way as i approach, boy stays put and puts his hand out as i pass, 

i pass by, need to get to the VA, tree line, VA over on the right, 


.i see a skatepark on the right, seems to be a replica of a place i used to skate at when 

i lived in hawaii, decide to stop by and skate, 


.skating at the concrete skatepark, no one there but me, just cruising around on the 

ramps, front side five-o on a small ramp, go up for a shuv-it, now i'm standing 

without my board and some other guy attempts the shuv-it and fails, 


.now a guy comes down from my right with the board, rocker music starts to 

play and guy does some air guitaring, he gives me the board, my turn to skate, 

end dream 



.a - me and guy on train                         b - kid talking 

c - dog running outside window            d - me and people in pool 

e - young girl                                         f - parents of girl in water 


g - i go head first into water                  h - me 

i - guy who served zucchini ice cream 

j - small grey dog in dog bowl              k - dog treat 


l - garbage can                                       m - my skateboard at lady's house 

n - lady's husband and other guy           o - two young kids on wooden walkway 

p - tree line                                             q - concrete skatepark 




.image below: going into pool head first detail 





.image below: small grey dog in dog bowl detail 





.image below: concrete skatepark detail 






.wake up






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