Monday, November 13, 2023

monday 13

monday 13






.dream: in friend's house (g.h), in kitchen, by the sink, newspaper, reports that today is 

the chinese new year, year of the rabbit, very exciting, i go into living room with newspaper, 


.three people start going through the paper, i have the page with a map on it, one side 

is more zoomed out and shows peninsulas and islands, the other side is more zoomed in 

on one particular region, 


.now i'm sitting on a couch and playing scrabble with a cat creature, two blue mats, 

we start with the letter squares upside down, friend (g.h) comes in and sits on other couch, 

i go over to other couch with cat, explaining to g.h how me and the cat were playing 

scrabble, end dream 




.a - me in kitchen                                 b - newspaper near sink 

c - living room                                     d - three people going through newspaper 


e - me with map                                   f - me and cat playing scrabble 

g - g.h on couch                                   h - i roll over to other couch with cat 

i - blue scrabble mats 



.image below: map from newspaper detail 


.note: far view (left), zoomed in view on back side (right), end note 




.image below: two blue scrabble mats and cat creature detail 











.dream: enter into a computer lab, set up for meal time, a lady across from me hands me 

a plate of food, turkey sandwich, spinach salad, potato chips, she serves herself a plate as 

well, end scene, 


.running up a hill, naked, white blanket on the ground, i pick it up, middle school 

art teacher in hut off on the left, get to top of hill, tractor drives by, huge mound of 

dirt, i walk past, walking on graded dirt, construction vehicle, 


.need to poop, enter into a public bathroom, kind of small, several guys are 

right outside the entrance, enter into bathroom, shit everywhere, 


.shit on the walls, on the floor, a naked guy is standing by a toilet, his entire body is 

covered in shit, dripping with shit, guy asks me something, i'd like to put down this 

white blanket and take a poop, no where to put blanket down, everywhere i look 

is covered with shit, 


.obviously this bathroom is too small to accommodate the amount of shit coming into 

it, end dream 



.a - table in computer lab                             b - me 

c - food                                                         d - lady 


e - other people                                             f - me running up a hill 

g - white blanket                                           h - art teacher in hut 

i - tractor                                                       j - mound of dirt 


k - construction vehicle                                l - bathroom 

m - guys just outside bathroom entrance 

n - inside bathroom, shit everywhere           o - guy near toilets 



.image below: turkey sandwich, spinach and potato chips detail 




.image below: bathroom with shit everywhere detail 











.wake up


.park workout 




.          5         35         3575375          3          73         7      57337        57        573    




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