Friday, November 17, 2023

friday 17

friday 17












.dream: in a moving car, guy (j.c) sitting in front of me, he asks me what i do in the bathroom, 

i say think, i ask him about his wife, end scene, 


.in a classroom, lady (r.t) on my right, she tells me the washing machine is stalled, my 

shoes are in there, i take my shoes over to sink, some lady has just used the sink and 

there is some cinnamon in it, i start to rinse my shoes off, 


.old korean teacher lady (k.l) approaches me, tells me she'll wash my uniform for me, 

navy white uniform, i'm graduating from military language school and will need 

a clean white uniform, 


.by a couch, i have my shoes and a load of clean laundry that is ready to go up to my room, 

friend (k.r) appears, i ask him to help me carry the laundry upstairs to my room, 

me and k.r go up to my room, i go to closet, get out my uniform stuff, 


.k.r lies down on the floor, he has no place to stay, i tell him it's not a good time for 

him to stay with me, i'm busy and my graduation is coming up, he mentions his 

dad always taking about barracks and asks me to say something positive, i tell 

him i'm glad to see him, 


.i go into mother's bedroom, put down all my service white uniform stuff on her 

bed, i assume it's the service white uniform for graduation but maybe it's the dress 

whites, end dream 



.a - me and j.c in moving car                     b - me and r.t in class 

c - shoes in washer                                     d - me washing shoes in sink 


e - k.r                                                          f - me by couch with clean laundry 

g - my bedroom                                          h - uniform in closet 

i - k.r on floor                                             j - mother's bedroom 




.image below: shoes in washer detail 





.image below: cinnamon in bathroom sink detail 






.dream: enter into a lecture hall, a lady is giving a lecture, leave lecture hall, end scene, 


.outside, by a fence, a large owl flies down and lands, an even larger owl flies down and 

lands, i raise both my hands, the larger owl turns into a human and starts talking to 

a guy on my left, 


.the owl man is the dad of the guy next to me, the son starts talking about his 

life and the dad is very happy for him, i go into a room behind me, 


.leaning up against a wall, lady on my left, i'm wearing whitey-tighty underwear, looking at 

some video on a cell phone, drinking beer from a coffee cup, start to get a boner, i cross 

my legs, lady on my left has some kind of a fitness board, 


.lady says her right foot isn't working right but demonstrates the fitness board for me, she 

comes up to me to show me the board, our fingers touch, 


.i have some little sphere in my hands, like a rubics cube but a sphere, the sides can be 

turned and the point is to line up all the colors, i spin the sides of the sphere a bit, 

end dream 



.a - lady giving lecture                         b - large owl 

c - larger owl                                        d - two guys 


e - me                                                    f - me in room 

g - cell phone, beer and sphere puzzle 

h - lady on fitness board 




.image below: two owls detail 





.image below: sphere color puzzle detail 





.image below: lady on fitness board detail 











.wake up


.fruit juice double 




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