Monday, November 6, 2023

monday 06

monday 06






.dream: submarine drama, propulsion lube oil, the electrical chief is retired, 

the captain's reputation is safe, end scene, 


.forgotten scene, end scene, 


.in a hospital hallway, some nurses pass by, end scene, 


.in a room, some guy is lying down in front of me and holding two small rocks, 

italian business competition, everyone moves over to a table, a sign in sheet is 

moving around, you need to find your name in black ink and sign next to it in 

red ink, my name is about second down from the top, end dream 



.a - submarine drama scene                                 b - forgotten scene 

c - me in a hospital                                              d - nurses 

e - me                                                                   f - italian business competition 

g - sign in sheet on table 



.image below: sign in sheet detail 






.dream: outside, between two homes, looking at an abandoned car with graffiti on it, i go into 

one home and get a piece of chalk, light blue, go back to beat down car, looking at the graffiti, 

mostly orange and purple and green, there should be some yellow but there is not, 


.sensation in my back, some kid kicked me and goes into the near house, an old guy is 

in the house, he's been up all night and has a head ache, 


.some lady appears, tells me not to leave anything lying around, might get stolen, some other 

lady goes over to a couch and puts her right hand down on it, i stand next to lady, put 

my right arm up against hers, our right thumbs lock, she wants me to push with my 

right pinky finger against the couch, i do so, end dream 



.a - abandoned car with graffiti                             b - house with chalk 

c - me at table                                                        d - guy with headache in house 

e - small kid who kicks my back                           f - lady 

g - me and lady on couch 



.image below: me and lady's arm on couch detail 














.     8        78          7808078          7            07          0        80770         80         708      





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