Sunday, November 5, 2023

sunday 05

sunday 05






.dream: in a doctor's office, doctor recommends a concentrated drink mix called 'pedialite' to me, 

end scene, 


.walking up some stairs to the front porch of a house, get up to porch, bend over and take 

off some suit thing i'm wearing, i'm chewing on something, overcome by 

patriotic emotion, end dream 



.a - doctor's office                             b - me 

c - doctor                                          d - concentrated 'pedialite' drink mix 


e - house                                           f - front porch 

g - me taking off some suit while chewing something 



.image below: 'pedialite' drink mix detail 






.dream: musical ballet dance performance, some lady comes up to me and asks me to 

dance, i agree, dancing with lady, she's wearing an orange and white dress, she invites me 

to sit down, i agree, 


.sitting at a table with one or two other guys, food on table, two young girls with 

long blond hair come over and sit on my leg, my right hand is caught up in the hair of 

one of the girls, lady i was dancing with comes over, 


.lady is looking for some kind of directing job and is complaining, four hundred 

thousand something, 


.a guy on the other side of the room starts talking about 'charter marines', they work in 

a port, some ship could set sail at six thirty eight, guy says it could be six thirty six, 

guy asks me about football, 'throw catch run' i say, 


.a football game is on tv, seahawks are playing, special teams play, quarter back throws 

the ball over to his right side, caught, side flip cartwheel tackle, green uniforms, 

end dream 



.a - musical ballet performance                             b - me dancing with some lady 

c - food on table                                                     d - me 


e - some guy                                                           f - two young girls 

g - lady i was dancing with                                    h - some guy talking about 'charter marines' 

i - football game on tv 



.image below: orange and white dress of lady i was dancing with detail 




.image below: football play on tv detail 











.wake up


.run outside 





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