Saturday, November 11, 2023

saturday 11

saturday 11



.mushrooms on white rocks:





.dream: in house from high school, in kitchen, night time, i turn on the outside lights, look 

over by tv, old serbo-croatian teacher (b.b) is down by the VCR, end dream 



.a - me in kitchen                             b - light switches 

c - outdoor lights                              d - b.b 

e - VCR and TV 





.dream: enter into large public bathroom, guy (j.a) leaves, thinking that if i'd stayed in the 

navy that i'd be an e six and would maybe be a lead petty officer, kicking my right shoe 

as i walk forwards, go up by urinals, guy (m.z) is there, end dream 



.a - large public bathroom                                 b - me 

c - j.a                                                                 d - urinals 

e - toilet stalls                                                    f - m.z 



.image below: kicking my right shoe detail 











.dream: enter into university gym, veterans day, some guy in military uniform is 

standing on a treadmill at parade rest in observance of veterans day, he's been standing 

on that treadmill for a long time, 


.i'm in an army uniform but i have facial hair, go down some stairs, end scene, 


.in a bathroom, on the floor, looking at a porno magazine, toilet paper wrapped around 

my waist, end scene, 


.in a room with three beds, sitting in dark area by door, a security guard guy enters, 

i start speaking in tongues and singing at him like i want to fight, guy approaches, 

now he's on the floor, i just touch his neck, don't hurt him, guy gets up and goes outside room, 


.i go outside room as well, touch guy's fingers, two other security guards show up, middle 

guy has two hats on, guy on right has one hat on, i go back into room, some 

people enter room, looking around, 


.one lady pulls a porno tape out from the VCR, says i put it in there, end dream 



.a - large gym                             b - guy on treadmill 

c - stairs down                            d - me in bathroom 


e - three beds                              f - me 

g - security guy                          h - other security guys 

i - people enter room                  j - TV and VCR 



.image below: security guard uniform and hats detail 











.wake up


.sodium lover's beef flavor paradise 




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