Thursday, November 30, 2023

thursday 30

thursday 30






.dream: approach a large body, i write ten jokes under it, jokes seem to 

be clever and interesting, i leave, end dream 



.a - me 

b - large body 

c - ten jokes 














.dream: in my room, going through some unopened letters, i don't open them, just sorting 



.out in kitchen, guy at sink, i gave him one of my two hundred fifty dollar bonds, ask 

for it back, guy gives bond back to me, 


.back in bedroom, lying on ground, a guy enters room, yellow stud earring in left ear, 

black nose plug, larger red stud earring in right ear, guy shows me red earring and 

asks me if i'm ok with it, i don't care, guy could walk around naked if he wanted to, 


.guy bends over me and indicates that one of my old submarine captains (s.y) wants 

my t-shirt, apparently the t-shirt belongs to s.y, t-shirt has a large squirrel on front, 

s.y enters room, i take off my t-shirt and give it to s.y, s.y gives me a long sleeve 

purple t-shirt and leaves room, 


.i get up, go over to dresser, looking at back of shirt that i just gave away, lots of 

little dot patterns on it, s.y comes over, says that these dot patterns are 

the data from when the squirrel took one balloon and traveled to five different 

worlds, some dots are the drain system, i leave area, 


.in a dining room type area, breakfast time, i have a bowl of cereal and 

milk, sit down by two guys, they're having a private conversation, i get up, 

go to other seat, get up, go to cupboards, middle one has a board behind door, 

cannot access, cupboard on my left has large bag of frosted flakes, 


.i go back and sit down by the two guys, s.y is in back of room and is naked, he's 

doing poses from the squirrel on his t-shirt, sounds like two other guys behind me in 

a different room are fighting, 'flinch' or 'flank' or something like that is said, 

end dream 



.a - going through letters in my room 

b - guy who i gave my bond to 

c - me                                     d - guy with red earring 


e - my lying down                  f - submarine captain 

g - looking at shirt on dresser 

h - people having a private conversation 


i - cupboard not available 

j - cupboard with frosted flakes 

k - submarine captain naked 

l - people fighting 




.image below: guy's face detail 





.image below: guy's face with earrings and nose plug detail 





.image below: squirrel t-shirt and purple shirt detail 





.image below: bag of frosted flakes detail 






.wake up






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