Tuesday, November 21, 2023

tuesday 21

tuesday 21






.dream: just came out of a building, running on the street, may be snow on the ground, 

fall down into a large dark pit, snowball in my right hand, i rub the snowball across 

a hanging rubber mat as i'm falling, 


.the snow i rubbed on mat reveals an underlying grid structure on the hanging rubber mat, 

land on bottom of pit, two people appear, one is a model doing squats, the other person 

is attending to the squatting model, squats look good, then the right thigh bone breaks, 

no good, the two people leave, 


.i walk along, a very muscular lady is doing one arm dumbbell rows on a bench, 

two guys appear, one guy goes up to the muscle lady and starts giving her a hard time 

because she is a woman, 


.<<begin violent content warning>>


.the muscle lady reaches up and rips an eyeball out of the guy's head and throws it 

down on the ground next to a shelf filled with different colored paints in different sections, 


.the lady then holds up two fingers to the other guy, indicating that she'll rip both eyes out 

of his head if he fucks with her, all three people then walk away, 


end scene, 

.<<end violent content warning>>

end dream 



.a - building                                     b - street 

c - large pit                                      d - rubber mat with grid 


e - me on bottom of pit                    f - squat model and guy 

g - muscular woman                        h - two guys 

i - paint shelf                                    j - eyeball 




.image below: building and snow on street detail 





.image below: hanging rubber mat with underlying grid structure detail 





.image below: shelf of paints and eyeball detail 







.                https://dddurb5r.wordpress.com/2023/11/21/dream-21-nov-2023/




.dream: i'm working with two computers, three tabs open on screen i'm looking at, i'm on the 

far right tab, some sound draws my attention to the open 

tab on the far left, i go over to that tab and click on it, contents of tab on computer: two kids 

are in a taekwondo match, 


.<<begin violent content warning>>


.one kid is injured and his right thigh bone breaks, the kid is rubbing his leg on the 

ground, trying to get it to fall off because it's broken so bad, his white taekwondo 

uniform is stained with red blood, 


.an older rocker guy with long blond hair comes up and rips the kids leg off then leaves, 

the rocker guy is now covered in blood and is trying to leave the room with the 

kid's severed leg, 


.a bunch of people come out from a side room and are preventing the rocker from 

leaving, everyone wants to have this kid's severed leg, one security guard guy 

takes the leg and wraps it in a clear plastic bag and states his authority, end scene, 


.<<end violent content warning>>


.i'm looking into a dark closet, someone is reading something, then 

some symbol appears, square like symbol with a line and blue square in 

the middle, then more symbols, black and white squares and thick blue lines, 

end scene, 


.in a classroom, teacher exits, leaves a senior student in charge, student tells 

everyone in room that the wood paneling needs to come off from the walls, 

everyone goes to the walls and begins to take down the paneling, 


.i go into a corner with two tall guys, the wood paneling is of two different sizes, 

smaller boards up close to the ceiling and longer boards below, i take off a 

couple of the smaller higher boards but the two guys are better and more efficient at 

taking it down than me, 


.as the guy close to me takes down the small panels i grab them from him and put them 

on a round table, end scene, 


.a man is fondling the breasts of a woman in a green sweatshirt, end dream 



.a - taekwondo kid                                     b - kid with broken leg 

c - tall rocker guy                                      d - people 


e - door to side area                                   f - door to hall 

g - looking in a closet                                h - classroom 


i - main teacher leaves                               j - senior student takes charge 

k - guys removing wooden paneling from walls 

l - guy and lady 




.image below: symbols from reading in closet detail 





.image below: taking down wood paneling in corner of classroom with two guys detail 







.                https://dddurbfive.wixsite.com/dddurb5w/post/dream-21-nov-2023




.wake up


.park workout 




.          5              25            2575275            2            72           7       57725       75        257 




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