Sunday, November 12, 2023

sunday 12

sunday 12






.dream: at military language school, outside, dark outside, at a bus stop, some guy 

waiting at bus stop, i'm walking back and forth, need to pee, cross low valley to 



.back at bus stop, more guys waiting for bus now, still need to pee, cross low 

valley again to go to bathroom, end dream 



.a - me                                 b - bus stop 

c - guy                                 d - other guys 

e - road                                f - low valley 

g - to bathrooms 



.image below: crossing low valley detail 






.dream: in a large bed, looking at wall, large fly on left, i point finger at fly, now there's a 

pregnant lady, she comes into the bed with me, her kid is behind us, i motion to her to 

bring the kid up to her, she does so, end dream 



.a - wall                             b - me in bed 

c - fly on wall                    d - pregnant lady 

e - lady comes into bed 

f - kid 



.image below: fly on wall detail 




.fly on wall detail image set:
















.wake up


.very serious bag of peanuts 





.wake up





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