Tuesday, November 28, 2023

tuesday 28

tuesday 28






.dream: in a classroom, me and a.h and g.s on left side of room, five people are going on 

a cigarette break, i have a cigarette with red tape on it, throw it to a.h, g.s says he 

wants to go on a smoke break, end scene, 


.in a moving car on a road, other cars on road in front of me, not really driving, just 

kind of going with the flow of traffic, large lawns of country houses on right, end scene, 


.back in the same classroom, g.s says he wants to go on a cigarette break, i start to 

yell at him, tell him he needs to wait, i threw the cigarette to a.h and a.h is still 

thinking about if he wants to give it to g.s, end dream 



.a - classroom                                     b - me

c - a.h                                                  d - g.s 

e - cigarette with red tape                   f - people going on smoke break 


g - door to outside                              h - road 

i - car i'm in                                        j - other cars 

k - large lawns of country houses 




.image below: smoke break dream, alternate scale representation 





.image below: cigarette with red tape detail 






.dream: in my bedroom from high school, two pamphlets on floor by door, seem to be 

event info brochures, one says '...skate park ... dream map', image of a guy ollieing over a 

fence, a white cat crawls off my back, mother walks through room with oranges on 

a plate, aunt comes into room then leaves, 


.brother enters room, says he just got done with some military training and wants to 

show me something, me and brother leave room, 


.outside with brother, standing on a moving ocean conveyor belt, P three was chosen 

for brother, this means the conveyor belt moves slower, sewage below in the moving ocean, 

we move along, 


.walking with brother in florida, following me, go through some trees and onto a 

concrete pier, snakes and snake heads on pier, i fly up to get away from the snakes, 

brother stays on pier, end scene, 


.an eagle is flying over a beach and looking for prey, a guy will act like prey and 

starts running, then he suffers a visual hallucination and sees a bully, then 

he really starts to run, 


.<<begin sexual nudity advisory>>


.a life guard on the beach yells out 'butts, butts, butts', 

everyone on the beach, men and women, emerge out from under the sand and 

bend over, they're all completely naked with genitals and buttholes exposed, 


.after all of the people are bending over in the sand with their buttholes and 

genitalia vulnerable and defenseless, the predator eagle chooses his favorite butthole, 

swoops down and attacks, 


end scene, 

.<<end sexual nudity advisory>>,

.end dream 



.a - my bedroom                                 b - two papers 

c - cat                                                  d - mother with oranges 


e - aunt                                                f - brother 

g - outside sewer conveyor belt          h - me and brother 


i - walking in florida                           j - concrete pier 

k - snakes heads                                  l - me flying 

m - eagle flying                                   n - people on beach 




.image below: cat and mother with oranges detail 





.image below: snakes and snake heads on concrete pier detail 







.                https://dddurb5r.wordpress.com/2023/11/28/dream-28-nov-2023/




.wake up 






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