Saturday, November 4, 2023

saturday 04

saturday 04






.dream: offset spatial angle, several string like things make a loop, possibly two hundred 

sixteen of them, about three make a complete rotation and a little bit more, i move 

past the three over-rotated sections, investigating, 


.about five of the sections did not make a complete rotation, end dream 



.a - complete spatial loop                             b - three sections over looped 

c - offset spatial angle                                  d - some sections did not make a full loop 





.dream: in a trailer, little lamps and trinkets on my left, i lie down, some old lady and 

her dog are looking at me, dog comes over to me, i pet it, make it bigger, end scene, 


.walking around the outside of a van, book on outside of van, now i'm in the van, lady (c.l) is 

approaching, i have three hacky sacks, two are normal, one is see-through, 


.c.l is by van door, i exit van, start to play hacky sack with her, she doesn't know what 

hacky sack is, 'in what reality do you not know hacky sack' i say, 


.kicking the hacky sack back and forth, finally c.l goes for a right leg outside kick and 

injures her neck, she falls back, some pro soccer guy grabs her as she falls, end dream 



.a - side of trailer                                 b - me in trailer 

c - lady and her dog                             d - purple candle 


e - van                                                  f - book on outside of van 

g - me                                                   h - c.l 

i - pro soccer guy 



.image below: purple candle detail 






.dream: in my apartment building, elevator goes up, my bicycle was in it, elevator comes 

back down, no bicycle, i did grab my skateboard, people eating dominos pizza, i 

take an empty box to the recycle room, 


.back in main lobby area, some guy comes out of the elevator with a bicycle, almost 

looks like mine but not quite, talking with guy and some other guy, end scene, 


.in vehicle, l.s and t.o with me, we're looking forward to eating some french onion dip, 

at a table, l.s across from me, large bowl of french onion dip, she eats most of it, there's 

a bit left for me, end scene, 


.in afghanistan, long planter boxes outside, my planter box is in the middle and plants 

are growing, the plants grow so much that the planter box breaks, some guy wants 

me to take notes about what plants were growing, 


.i grab some paper from the guy, start to write down the plants, rice, potatoes, flowers, 

other stuff, end dream 



.a - elevator in building                                     b - skateboard 

c - recycle room                                                d - tables 

e - me                                                                 f - guy with bicycle 


g - vehicle                                                          h - me 

i - l.s and french onion dip                                 j - planter boxes in afghanistan 

k - box with my plants that breaks                     l - me 

m - some guy 



.image below: planter boxes detail 











.wake up


.park workout 





.        4          34         3464364           3          63          6      46334        64       346    




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