Tuesday, November 7, 2023

tuesday 07

tuesday 07








.                https://dddurb5r.wordpress.com/2023/11/07/dream-07-nov-2023/




.dream: some roller rink type event is going on, some people off to the side, one lady has no 

shirt on, end scene, 


.a fireman enters an apartment, a person has been dead in here for a long time, fireman 

straddles the dead body and removes a blanket, several large rats are on the dead 

person's stomach, another big rat on the right hand, end scene, 


.in the park, frozen pond on my right, i've just came down a hill and am waiting for 

g.h, waiting, finally g.h comes down hill, we walk together into a snack shop, nine 

pm, got into the shop just before it closed, 


.i go over to the mini-fridge, would like to get something to drink, everything in the 

mini-fridge is five dollars, i pick up a small yoghurt, end dream 



.a - some event                                 b - topless lady and other people 

c - fireman                                        d - dead person 

e - rats                                               f - frozen pond 


g - me                                                h - friend (g.h) 

i - stairs down                                    j - snack shop 

k - worker guy and clock                   l - mini-fridge with drinks and yoghurt 



.image below: rat detail 




.image below: frozen pond in park detail 




.image below: mini-fridge detail 





.wake up







.        3             13           1363163            1            61           6       31163        63        136      




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