Thursday, November 16, 2023

thursday 16

thursday 16












.dream: in house from high school, by main door, mother, activity at door, i open 

door, go outside, lots of tents set up in driveway, bicycles in tents, some people 

are staging for a long distance bicycle ride, i go into garage, end scene, 


.in a skateboard shop, cruiser deck, fifty nine dollars, some guy is trying to talk the 

price down from the sales lady, the two people go into the back of the store, i follow 

them, they go into a back back area, i'm in the back area and looking at all the goods, 

end scene, 


.aerial video game, honey bee man and his hornet warriors, the hornet warriors have 

triangle heads and shoots lasers from them, the final scene is a hornet warrior attacking 

a large craft, it takes three shots from the hornet warrior to take out the large craft, 

end dream 



.a - me and mother                                 b - driveway 

c - bikes in tents                                     d - me in garage 

e - me in skate shop                                f - guy and lady 


g - cruiser board deck                             h - back area 

i - back back area                                    j - aerial video game 

k - honey bee man                                   l - hornet warriors 




.image below: cruiser deck in skateshop detail 





.image below: honey bee man and hornet warriors aerial video game detail 






.dream: in a lower building, leave, bus pulls up outside, i run along side the left side of 

the bus to get back up the road, a blue truck almost hits me, no longer under protection of 

the bus, i jump down from the road, hanging down from a ledge and using my arms to make 

my way forwards, 


.a long distance navajo indian runner is running up on the road, i go up two sets of 

stairs, enter into mansion, looking for entrance to lower area, door, behind the door is 

just a wall, no access to lower area, a family leaves their room and is going outside 

for a walk, 


.president joe biden enters the mansion, he's tired and goes into his room, i begin to 

explore on this upper floor, below me is a lecture going on being given by my old 

german teacher from college (f.t), i move along, 


.i've stumbled across the personal writing desk of dolly pardon, i back away very 

carefully, careful not to disturb anything on her desk, purple hat, 

end dream 



.a - lower building                             b - me outside 

c - bus                                                d - blue truck on road 

e - long distance navajo indian runner 


f - me below road                              g - steps up into mansion 

h - inside mansion                              i - no access to lower area 

j - family going outside for a walk 


k - joe biden going into his room         

l - lecture below                                 m - dolly pardon's personal writing desk 




.image below: bus and road scene detail 





.image below: passing by the blue truck detail 





.image below: personal writing desk of dolly pardon with purple hat detail 











.wake up


.run outside (two notebooks) 




.       4         14          1464164           1           61          6      46114      64        614     




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