Saturday, November 18, 2023

saturday 18

saturday 18












.dream: in a restaurant, at a table, two people on my right, we all have salads, no one is eating, 

waiter brings me a plate of shrimp, i'll wait to eat until the other people's food comes, 


.musician is playing a small board with strings on it at table in front, another musician appears, 

end scene, 


.in a moving vehicle, vehicle in front, driving in europe, small village on the right, 

only one around, vehicle ahead is not stopping, a guy from this vehicle jumps out 

at high speed and rolls into the village, i flip off the two guys in car in front, 


.a white car is driving down a hill, end scene, 


.in a dark room, a kid is leading me around, door opens, two guys step out, one 

guy sees me and sniffs his nose, two guys go back into their room, these guys 

never talk, i keep following the kid, 


.kid picks up my blanket, points out my new bed to me, my bed is very small, 

bed next to mine is normal sized, end dream 




.a - restaurant                          b - me 

c - two people                         d - two musicians 


e - main door                           f - small village in europe 

g - vehicle i'm in                     h - other vehicle 


i - guy jumps out of 'h'            j - white car going down hill 

k - me and lady in room          l - two guys who don't talk 

m - kid with my blanket          n - my new small bed 




.image below: plate of shrimp detail 





.image below: driving past european village scene detail 





.image below: my small new bed on right detail 






.dream: need to by a washer machine, enter into macy's, walking, hallway, offices, not 

in the right area, enter into a back copy room, take off my nike shoes, go into back back 

room, very dark, come back into back copy room, a guy runs in then out of back 

copy room, put my shoes back on, go back into hallway, 


.merchandise for sale on left, enter into main merchandise area, salesman guy says 

that there is a basketball kit on sale for a dollar fifty, not interested, ask about 

washing machines, guy says they don't have any, i look around, shoes, other items 

for sale, 


.a kid runs into merchandise area from a back area then runs back into back area, 

other kids back there, salesman guy keeps talking, something about thread count, 

i leave store, end dream 



.a - office area hallway                         b - offices 

c - take my shoes off                            d - back copy room 


e - i go into back back room                 f - some guy runs into copy room 

g - put my shoes back on                      h - merchandise for sale 


i - main merchandise area                     j - salesman 

k - discount bin                                      l - shoes on racks 

m - kid                                                    n - more kids in back store area 




.image below: macy's dream, alternate scale representation 





.image below: basketball kit on sale detail 











.wake up






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