Friday, November 10, 2023

friday 10

friday 10












.dream: a young guy with bleach blond hair enters a room, a CIA lady is in the room and 

starts to interview the guy for a job, 'i'll be working at the tip of the spear' the guy says, 

then it's apparent the guy won't be getting the job, guy starts to cry, end scene, 


.in a hallway, door to someone's apartment, two boxes, i have one box at the door and 

knock, the people inside take the box, no idea what's inside, go into my bedroom, 


.a dog is in my room, dog is happy to see me, however there is piss on my blanket, this 

upsets me, i put the dog's nose on the piss on the blanket, then hold up dog by other door, 

i put the dog down and push it into the other apartment, end dream 



.a - CIA lady                             b - door 

c - young guy for interview 


d - two boxes                            e - door to other apartment 

f - people                                  g - me and dog in my room 

h - pee on my blanket 



.image below: dog and pee on blanket detail 






.dream: in house from high school, no shirt on, brother and lady (v.s) in kitchen, i go into 

laundry room, lots of super hero t-shirts, i look through them, ask brother if i can wear one, 

he says ok, i pick out a silver surfer t-shirt, go into bathroom, put on shirt, 


.go back into kitchen, brother is complaining about something, fifty one something, i 

look out window, dog, look closer, not a dog but a large shaggy haired cow with large 

udders, end scene, 


.in a room, table, people, the people are going outside and dying, some lady comes in 

and sits down at table, she opens up a package of food and starts eating, i look in the 

corner, lots of stuff, orange slices, i eat a couple, some people start asking about stuff in 

the corner, 


.basketball, no, umbrellas, no, ice pack, yes, it's a hot pack but could be used for a 

cold pack if put in the freezer, i give the hot pack to the lady who asked for it, 

end dream 



.a - house from high school 

b - kitchen                                 c - brother and v.s 

d - super hero t-shirts in laundry room 


e - me in bathroom                   f - shaggy haired cow in yard 

g - people in room                    h - table 

i - me                                        j - lady eating 

k - stuff in corner 



.image below: shaggy haired cow detail 




.image below: orange slices detail 






.wake up 


.nest of screws 




.mushrooms on white rocks 



.      5            25         2575275          2           72          7       57225        75        275    




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