Wednesday, November 22, 2023

wednesday 22

wednesday 22












.dream: in a dark room, standing on a bed, in front of me is a tv, tv is off, between the 

two tv antennas are five spiders in a shared web, each spider wove its section of the 

common web and now they all share it, like a spiderweb quilt, aunt is on a bed on 

my left, end scene, 


.white flowers, two insects, brother is running around and in distress, end scene, 


.in a room, two TVs, tv on right is on, some video game, a guy takes a screen shot, 

guy is manipulating VCR and taking more screen shots, video game may be 

asian, i ask the guy how he used the VCR to take a screen shot, says it was 

star two or something, some kid sits on my neck, end scene, 


.in a classroom, i have an old skillcraft yellow highlighter, it may be the last one 

in the entire military, end scene, 


.some lady hands me a stack of papers written in coded ink, a lady named emma walks 

by, i ask her to help me decode the papers, she sits down in front of me, decode the 

papers, nothing of importance, seem to be cartoon riddles, emma asks me what day it 

is, seventeen or eighteen, she uses this to decode the info, 


.decoding is over, my favorite pen is in a box, emma wants it, end scene, 


.going through all my stuff on a bed, hard time focusing, two women looking at me, 

now i'm in a bedroom, stuff on a desk, something is charging, cell phone or something, 

a look behind me in room, two beds, two desks, two person room but me and three other 

people are in here, 


.i'm not sharing a bed, i'll sleep on the floor, some guy wiggles the charging wire, i 

tell him not to unplug it, end dream 



.a - aunt on bed                                 b - me on bed 

c - tv and spiders                              d - two insects in white flowers 


e - brother                                         f - video game screen shot scene 

g - highlighter scene                         h - me in my new small room 

i - me and code breaker lady             j - coded papers 


k - going through my stuff                l - two women 

m - bedroom                                      n - beds 

o - desks                                             p - i'm charging a device 




.image below: five spiders in shared web between TV antennas detail 





.image below: two insects in white flowers detail 





.image below: video game screen shot scene detail 





.image below: yellow highlighter and coded papers detail 





.image below: crowded bedroom scene detail 











.wake up


.swim, skateboard 




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