Thursday, November 2, 2023

thursday 02

thursday 02






.dream: running around in a new restaurant, jumping from booth to booth until i 

make a complete loop, end scene, 


.enter into a cart on a track, some guy on my left, cart starts to move, a low bar goes 

across the bottom, i lift up on the bar with my right foot, cart slows down, release the 

low bar, cart coasts down track, 


.right turn, anatomy mannequins, coming down to bottom of hill, push on my knees, a 

red seat rolls out in front of me, now i'm standing, two guys take the red seat away, 


.enter into sleeping area, four spots, i have one spot, two others are taken, one spot is 

free, three coins associated with the taken sleeping spots, dime, nickel and quarter, 

end dream 



.a - new restaurant                             b - me and guy in cart on track 

c - foot brake                                     d - anatomy mannequins 


e - red seat from cart taken away by two guys 

f - sleeping area                                 g - my spot 

h - two taken spots                             i - free spot (not taken) 



.image below: cart with foot brake detail 






.dream: on a ship at sea, moving in a straight line, royals on ship with me, someone 

unties some shoelaces, navigator announces a change in heading even though the ship 

keeps moving straight, heading changed from twelve to one, 


.entering into a harbor in britain, fan fare, excited people waving from other 

ships in harbor, ship i'm on stops, i'm on top of ship, lots of people in ship, 


.i'm told i'm to sleep in bunk number fifty six, ship moves towards bunk, me and some 

other guy jump onto top rack, another guy jumps into bottom rack, someone asks me 

if i want my own bunk, i don't care, end dream 



.a - ship at sea                                     b - port in britain 

c - fan fare, people, other ships           d - me on top of ship 

e - bunk fifty six, where i'm to sleep 

f - me and other guy on top bunk        g - some guy on bottom bunk 



.image below: going into bunk fifty six detail 






.dream: initial part of dream forgotten, refer to notebook image, 


.remote control lawn mower, mowing the grass on a hill, end dream 




.image below: remote control lawn mower trailer detail 










.         3          23          2373273          2          72           7       37223       73        237     




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