Monday, November 20, 2023

monday 20

monday 20






.dream: an aerial military mission is being planned, civilian guy in a moving van is 

helping to plan the mission, large military plane flying, the civilian guy is adding people 

to the mission, a smaller craft flies by, two guys in craft, civilian guy says that these two 

guys in the smaller craft can really fight, nineteen seventy two, end scene, 


.a group of female military recruits are standing in a circle, the actress meg ryan is 

with them, nineteen sixty one, end scene, 


.in a vehicle, pulls up to a building, i get out and enter into building, submarine crew 

reunion, wearing dress white navy uniform with submarine pin, see j.w, he 

doesn't have his sub pin on, some kind of mistake, end dream 




.a - civilian guy in van                             b - military aircraft flying 

c - guys who can fight                              d - female military recruits 


e - vehicle pulls up to building                 f - submarine crew reunion 

g - me                                                        h - j.w 




.image below: flying military plane detail 






.dream: in a room with s.t, she jumps up on my back piggy back style, i put a backpack 

on her feet, we go upstairs, put s.t on bed, she says that her poop hole hurts and 

becomes unresponsive, end scene, 


.in a room, i've made it to the second part of military language training, go downstairs, 

people at a table, i have a spot reserved, sit on a panda bear chair, look at my books on 

the table, end scene, 


.go outside, red wall, writing with white chalk, write a korean 'T' (ㅌ), some kids go onto 

a concrete sport court behind me, some lady in building in front of me, end scene, 


.in a basement area, people standing around, some boss guy comes in, i say something 

but have brown paper on my two lower front teeth, guy asks me what's going on, 

i say it's my tooth patch and it brings me shame, guy is confused and wants me 

to repeat, so i say 


.'it's my tooth patch, it brings me shame', 


.guy can't understand the word 'shame' and is getting angry, i tell him i can write it 

down for him but it's still the same word, guy gives me a yellow sticky note and a 

blue pen, i draw a picture of my face, then start to label the left side with an 'L', 


.the 'L' triggers something in me and i break out in military cadence, 


.'left, left, left-a-right le-eft', a group of people repeats 'left, left, left-a-right le-eft', 


.'keep, keep, keep it in ste-ep', they repeat 'keep, keep, keep it in ste-ep', 


.the boss guy then holds up a double barreled shotgun to my face, i kind of take it 

away from him and he kind of gives it to me, examining the shotgun, there's blue tape 

on the back and i can't open it up to see if it's loaded, i look down the barrels real 

quick, very thin holes, 


.then i pull back the little firing mechanism on one barrel, pull the trigger to check the 

weapon, nothing seems to happen, do the same thing on the other barrel, again, 

no effect, then i notice that all the windows in the room are yellow and curved in, 

end dream 




.a - me, s.t and backpack                         b - upstairs, s.t on bed 

c - me on panda chair                              d - people 

e - books on table                                     f - me writing on wall with chalk 


g - kids on sport court                              h - me 

i - guy with odd shotgun                          j - people 

k - bulged yellow windows 




.image below: me, s.t and backpack detail 





.image below: panda chair detail 





.image below: odd shotgun and yellow curved windows detail 















.wake up






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