Wednesday, November 29, 2023

wednesday 29

wednesday 29












.dream: star ship enterprise, commander riker, another one of him, two rikers again, commander 

data fights and defeats a spider, data says that he can take on eight spiders, a low pillar appears, 

orange fruit rain on top of low pillar, data wants the pillar higher, a higher pillar appears, 

orange fruit rain on top of high pillar, end scene, 


.indoor basketball gym, game going on, a young filipino woman joins the team and 

makes a basket right off the bat, a bunch more people come onto the court, gym is 

getting crowded, i go back into my room, turn on the lights in the kitchen, two empty 

chairs in kitchen area, lots of people coming in, 


.go out into pantry area, more people coming, i go back out in the basketball gym, 

large watermelon on floor, go over by a hearth, indo board, hacky sack, sports 

magazines with the forty niners on it, a small brown dog approaches, 

'hello doggie' i say, i wonder what this dog is smelling, end scene, 


.in a house, lady and guy, house starts moving, it's a train, i'm moving forwards, 

guy and lady stay back, they'll likely be having sex, 


.on a moving train, slowing down, i jump outside, train turns right, i go left, i'm on 

my way to some house, i could fly there but i have a bunch of heavy bags with me, 

difficult to fly when carrying so much stuff, end scene, 


.in a house, on the floor, kid on my left, i've taken four screws out from some 

wooden block, four holes in block, at the bottom of each hole is oil, i have some 

rolled up paper and am trying to even out the oil in each hole, make sure each hole has 

about the same amount of oil, finish, 


.in bedroom, working on a black calendar, lady on other side of bed, i give her 

a small black toy horse, need to pee, go into bathroom, put hand on door, 

some guy tries to barge in on me, 'brown white' he says, end dream 



.a - commander riker                             b - commander data 

c - pillar and orange fruit rain               d - basketball court 

e - my room                                           f - kid in chair 


g - kitchen area                                      h - pantry type area 

i - sports magazines, indo board            j - small brown dog 

k - house becomes train car                   l - guy and lady 


m - moving train                                    n - i get off train 

o - train turns right                                 p - tree line 

q - in a house                                          r - block with screws and oil 


s - kid                                                      t - me in bedroom 

u - lady                                                    v - bathroom 




.image below: double riker repeat dream, alternate scale representation 





.image below: star trek scene detail 





.image below: sports magazines and small brown dog detail 





.image below: wooden block with screws and oil detail 





.image below: black calendar and toy horse detail 






.wake up


.nothing of interest 




.        3          03         0343043           0          40         4      30440          34         304     




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