Friday, November 24, 2023

friday 24

friday 24






.dream: a lady is researching an author, 


.<<begin sexual content advisory>>


.the author enters the room and starts to rape the lady, they're both wearing pink bras, 

the sex goes on for awhile then the lady begins to enjoy herself and the sex becomes 

consensual, no longer rape, sex finishes 


.<<end sexual content advisory>>


.the lady and the author are attending an event, lots of people standing around, they 

go outside, groups people are re-enacting a scene that the author wrote, something 

about stealing a car, 


.a car is parked, another car hits it, someone cries out 'that wasn't part of the scene', 

a guy with green hair jumps in through the broken window of the car that was hit and 

steals it, says something, drives away, end dream 



.a - lady                             b - author 

c - social event                  d - parked car 

e - car that hits parked car 

f - guy who steals parked car that was hit 




.image below: author dream, alternate scale representation 





.image below: pink bra detail 





.image set below: car theft scene detail 






.dream: in a moving car, some guy is driving, driving through an industrial area, 

several auto repair shops on right, approach building, guy parks car, gets out, i 

get out, mound of dirt, building, i approach building, 


.three pots with plants, i use my right hand and make the plants grow, go inside 

building, some lady with big tits is doing something with some white pills, 

she leans down real close to me, i leave building, 


.walking in a wooden hallway, some guy comes up behind me and gives me 

my backpack, i left it in the building, end dream 



.a - me and guy in moving car 

b - auto repair shops on side of road 

c - mound of dirt                                 d - building 


e - three pots with plants in them        

f - guy                                                 g - lady 

h - me                                                  i - me walking away from building 

j - guy gives me my backpack 




.image below: pill house dream, alternate scale representation 





.image below: auto repair shops detail 





.image below: three pots with plants detail 















.wake up






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