Monday, November 27, 2023

monday 27

monday 27












.dream: vacation cabin, van, friend (n.s) tries a kickflip, fails, injury, broken right foot, 

i should take him to hospital, enter cabin, aunt, i need to poop, bathroom, poop, new toilet, 

hold flush handle down hard several times, finally flushes, toilet wraps poop in plastic bag and 

then flushes the bag of poop, instructions on refilling the bags, black clip in toilet paper, 


.go outside, friend's brother (a.s), takes his hat back from me, end scene, 


.exit airport, in scandinavia, snow on ground, artist standing, i'm on ground, looking at 

plaque of artist's work, image from memory, doves and high altitude circus rides, i move 



.russian plaque, first satellite info, funny looking russian M, german plaque, dinner 

invitation, tajik embassy around corner, i move out of hall, some lady enters, 

end dream 



.a - van                                     b - n.s trying a kick flip 

c - vacation cabin                     d - aunt 

e - odd camping toilet              f - me and a.s 


g - airport                                 h - me eating snow my artist's plaque 

i - artist                                     j - russian plaque, first satellite 

k - german plaque, dining invitation 


l - tajik embassy                       m - i leave hall 

n - lady enters hall 




.image below: odd camping toilet with plastic bags detail 





.image below: artist's work from memory, doves and circus ride, detail 





.image below: odd russian M detail 






.dream: older korean couple in airport, lady puts two red suitcases on guy's head, end scene, 


.in an airport, looking for my gate, eleven thirty, go down stairs, lower gates, 

eleven zero two to eleven twenty, lady comes over to help me, directs me to 

the QT gate, go around a corner, a plane at the QT gate is boarding, end scene, 


.outside, large rock, bicycle, i climb up on rock, gate arm on rock, guy pulls up in 

car, my bike is below, off the rock, looking for exit, lady shows me elevator, me 

and lady ascend in elevator, check my shoes, elevator opens in post office in 

university district, 


.forgot my shoes, forgot my bike, some guy takes off one sandal, end scene, 


.on a train, two cats, light and dark, end scene, 


.military recruits in china, kids get a lunch box, guy with wig mentions combat, end scene, 


.in a dark back room, lying down, guy approaches, says cats all around me, picks off a 

double cat from my back, grey double cat is aggressive and wants back into my back, 

'kill' i say to guy, i put my fist in cat's stomach, guy presses on cat from behind, cat 

doesn't die, we just alter its body shape, should be less aggressive now, end dream 



.a - korean guy and two red suitcases 

b - korean lady                                     c - lower airport gates, eleven zero two to eleven twenty 

d - QT gate and plane ready to board 


e - me on rock, two bikes                     f - guy in car 

g - elevator up                                       h - university district post office 

i - guy leaves sandal on floor                 j - me and two cats on train 


k - military recruits in china                  l - lunch boxes in shelves 

m - guy with flamboyant wig                 n - me 

o - guy                                                     p - double cat, grey, aggressive 




.image below: bikes and large rock detail 





.image below: guy leave sandal in post office detail 





.image below: aggressive grey double cat detail 











.wake up


.run outside 




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