Thursday, November 23, 2023

thursday 23

thursday 23












.dream: i have a cast on my right thigh, end scene, 


.in a room, spinning my skateboard on the ground, two guys approach, one 

guy walks into the wall, guy asks me if i want to go outside, i say yes, grab two 

hacky sacks, grab a hat, put on hat, shift hat position, looks funny, put on hood 

over hat, ready to go, 


.guy asks me if i want to use the computer, i'd rather go outside, outside, running up 

a hill, have a bicycle with me, put bike down just before top of hill, 

circle of people on top of hill, start to play hacky sack, kicking the hacky sack back and 

forth with a guy walking up the hill, 


.sack goes over to a guy on my right, guy kicks hacky sack down off the hill and into 

some bushes below, i go down from hill to get sack, canopy and people below, 

a guy (k.p) says something to a bunch of VA workers, their using a bunch of 

VA terms, 


.i try to get back up the hill but can't find out how, i'm stuck below with the VA 

folks who are under the canopy, end scene, 


.enter into a room, four tables are set up with perfect spacing to play a game, large 

game cards on the tables, i sit down, comment on how nice the tables are 

positioned, some lady on the left knocks the tables out of position, end dream 



.a - me with cast on right thigh 

b - me spinning skateboard inside 

c - two guys                                     d - computer area 


e - go outside                                   f - bike on a hill 

g - circle of people                          h - me 

i - guy i was playing hacky sack with 


j - hacky sack gets kicked into bushes 

k - canopy                                         l - people from the VA 

m - four tables set up for a game         

n - some lady knocks the tables out of position 




.image set below: hacky sack on hill scene detail 





.image below: hacky sacks detail 





.image below: bicycle on hill detail 











.wake up






.         6          46          4686846           4           84         8     68448        68        486       




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