Friday, December 1, 2023

friday 01

friday 01






.dream: in a moving car with brother, some guy is driving, in mother's town, large 

new building complex on left, ACE hardware store, 


.walking with brother, some veteran's building up ahead, veteran lady in pink shirt, 

two marine corps iwo jima ambush green t-shirts on ground, 


.naval junior officer in khaki uniform walking up ahead of me, another navy 

JO skateboarding down below on right, 


.enter into a submarine galley, temporary ventilation installed, mess chief present, 

end dream 



.a - moving car                                 b - new hardware and home improvement store 

c - me and brother walking              d - veteran lady with pink shirt 


e - two iwo jima marine corps t-shirts 

f - junior naval officer                     g - navy officer skateboarding below 

h - submarine galley                        i - temporary ventilation 




.image below: new hardware store building complex detail 





.image below: veteran lady in pink shirt and two green iwo jima t-shirts detail 





.image below: submarine galley with temporary ventilation detail 






.dream: in a downstairs room, on a couch, typing on my computer, friend's sister (l.s) and 

some lady enter room, they say they can't see what i'm typing on my computer, some 

cursor issue, i give them my computer so they can fix whatever problem exists, 

the rest of this dream was produced by artificial intelligence, 


.a guy is on a airplane and typing on his computer, the AI has determined a 

better configuration for his typing devices, now there's a power bar, all three 

typing components, keyboard and such, plug into the power bar and then the 

power bar plugs into the computer, apparently this is more efficient, 


.AI says that the mouse should be plugged into the computer at all times, 


.now the guy is doing stuff on a plug in track pad, end dream 



.a - me on computer                                 b - doorway 

c - l.s and other lady                                 d - i give them my computer 


e - AI produced part of dream                  f - guy on airplane on his computer 

g - main computer                                     h - typing components, keyboard and such 


i - power bar                                              j - power bar plugs into computer 

k - computer with mouse                           l - guy's hand 

m - plug in trackpad 




.image below: power bar and typing components detail 















.wake up 






.       1          01           0171701         0           70            7       10017       17       107      




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