Friday, December 8, 2023

friday 08

friday 08












.dream: in a classroom with a lady (c.l), i'm naked, go to some back seats, put on a pair of 

blue pants, end scene, 


.outside, by a lake, i've just made a loop around this lake, i lie down and reflect upon 

the loop i made, get up, running down a dirt road, a large dump truck speeds by on my 

left, i keep going down road, 


.two female runners up ahead, one is taller with peeling scabs all over her back and legs 

and arms, the other female runner is shorter with smooth skin, the stop briefly by a 

pink plastic chair, they seem to pray to the chair, 


.approaching a structure, i'd like to go around, cannot, i ask lady, no access, my 

college chinese teacher is not available, some books behind me, lady approaches, 

fight dog trainer, guy approaches, fight dog trainer, they've seen things i can't 

even imagine, 


.two dogs are now sniffing me, one dog behind me, one dog in front of me, dog in 

front of me licks my right hand, now it growls at me and wants to bite off my 

testicles, dog is leashed and held at bay, 


.a doorway opens up, i go around to outside area, now i'm in a room, i sit up on a 

high ledge, an AI robot fight dog and its trainer enter room, the AI robot fight dog 

is in kill mode, it has a shiny metal head and bright red LED lights for eyes and 

white fur, 


.someone says something about hoping i don't get torn up too bad, the AI robot fight dog 

in kill mode is released into the room, i continue sitting on the ledge, AI robot fight dog 

approaches me, i'm gesturing at it with all sorts of different hand signals, hand signals 

i just made up on the spot for 'fight' and 'no fight' and such, 


.the AI robot fight dog turns all brown and sits down in front of me, i can see its 

mind expanding, it has now entered learning mode and is no longer a threat, 

i close my left eye, make a C symbol with my hand to indicate 'no fight', the 

V hand symbol i used to indicate 'fight' but only to teach the robot dog, not 

to actually fight me, end dream 



.a - me and c.l in classroom (blue pants) 

b - loop i made around a lake     

c - reflecting on loop i made                     d - fast moving dump truck 


e - runner with scabs                                 f - runner with smooth skin 

g - cemetery                                              h - receptionist lady 

i - dog smells me                                       j - dog licks my right hand 


k - fight dog trainer guy                             l - fight dog trainer lady 

m - doorway opens up                                n - AI robot fight dog trainer 

o - AI robot fight dog 




.image below: AI robot fight dog dream, alternate scale representation 





.image below: blue pants detail 





.image below: female runners and pink plastic chair detail 





.image below: AI robot fight dog in kill mode (left) and learning mode (right) detail 





..image below: AI robot fight dog in kill mode detail 











.wake up






.           8         48          4898498          4           94             9        89984          89         498 




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