Sunday, December 3, 2023

sunday 03

sunday 03






.dream: running up a hill, perspective shift, on a large wooden palette with c.l, plastic wrap 

and bottles of grape juice on palette, left turn, dirt mound up ahead, moving cars and 

vehicles beyond dirt mound, end scene, 


.running in a narrow space, guy who is not into books behind me, k.s in front of me, 

k.s likes books, right turn, we need to hurry, k.s opens a large drawer and throws in 

a bunch of her notebooks, i throw in several of my notebooks too, i don't have time 

to sign notebooks, notebooks are light green hard cover, crayons in drawer above, 

end dream 



.a - running up a hill                             b - large wooden palette with plastic wrap and grape juice 

c - me and c.l                                         d - mound of dirt 


e - cars                                                   f - running over books 

g - guy behind me                                  h - k.s in front of me 

i - drawer with notebooks 




.image below: grape juice and notebooks dream, alternate scale representation 





.image below: wooden palette with plastic wrap and grape juice detail 





.image below: grape juice detail 





.image below: drawer with notebooks detail 











.dream: in a large common berthing area, walking to my bed, some guy is throwing purple 

goo all over my back and back of my head, i go into bathroom, clean goo of my body, i'm 

pissed, go over to guy's bed, wipe some purple goo on his bed, go back to bathroom, 

looking in mirror, still pissed, thinking about wiping more goo on guy's bed, 


.a guy on my right tells me 'stop' by speaking directly to my mind, i go outside, 

walking down street, end of road, bus with lady in wheel chair in it turns left, 

there may be a bathroom on the right, 


.going back to building i was in, running, carrying gallon of water, enter building, 

weight training teacher from high school (p.s) is reading scripture to a group of 

people, he asks me where i was, i say bathroom, mention the purple goo, 


.p.s wants to talk to me more in private, we step down into a lower pantry area, 

p.s is asking me questions about the purple goo, i answer them but don't want 

to rat out the guy who sprayed it on me, now i'm looking into a can of 

spaghetti and meatballs, 


.noodles, sauce, meatballs all have little wires wrapped around them in can, 

i grab a green pea pod, eat it, grab another, end dream 



.a - common berthing hall 

b - my bed                                     c - guy spraying purple goo all over my back 

d - bathroom                                  e - bed of guy who threw goo on me 


f - road outside                               g - other bathroom (may not exist) 

h - bus with lady in wheelchair 

i - running back with gallon of water 


j - enter back into building 

note on 'j': building orientation is off here by ninety degrees, end note 

k - weight training teacher reading scripture 


l - me and teacher talking in pantry type area 

m - can of spaghetti and meatballs 




.image below: purple goo on my back and back of my head detail 





.image below: can of spaghetti and meatballs detail 











.wake up


.gym, skateboard 




.       4       14         1464164         1           61          6      46116        46        416     




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