Thursday, December 28, 2023

thursday 28

thursday 28



.image set below: title: 'white on black with commentary'





.dream: riding in a car in vietnam, going down a hill, three lanes, far left lane is 

protected, downhill, middle lane has vehicles coming uphill, vehicle i'm in is in 

far right lane, a bus is in middle lane, 


.bottom of hill, now i'm sitting at the front of a large wooden cart, 

some guy says something to me in vietnamese, he seems to want to sit where 

i'm sitting, i don't move, left turn, city park on right, i cross my legs, sitting 

cross legged, two people behind me sit in the same manner, end scene, 


.house party, low wall, a person with a chainsaw approaches low wall, cuts out a 

big chunk of the wall, frees a lady, normal, cuts out another big chunk, frees 

another lady, bipolar, the normal lady is talking about the bipolar lady, how 

she gets injections every so often, four days a week of seven something, 


.the bipolar lady is outside, flapping her arms, having an episode, she 

runs up on a concrete structure and runs away, end dream 



.a - road hill in vietnam                         b - protected lane, downhill 

c - vehicles going uphill                        d - me in vehicle, downhill 


e - city park                                            f - guy 

g - me on large wooden cart                  h - two people behind me on cart 


i - house party                                        j - low wall 

k - person with chainsaw                       l - lady 

m - bipolar lady                                     n - bipolar lady flaps her arms and runs away 




.image below: riding on large wooden cart in vietnam detail 





.image below: bipolar lady flapping her arms outside detail 











.dream: sitting on a large bean bag chair, mid day, sunny and hot, friend's sister (a.s) 

is standing behind me, n.s comes over and sits down on bean bag chair on my right, 

i ask him if he wants to go skateboard later, he says that he doesn't skate, 


.three small bottles of water on my left, i need to drink them to stay hydrated, 

end dream 




.a - large bean bag chair                         b - me 

c - three small water bottles                   d - friend's sister (a.s) 

e - friend (n.s)                                         f - gas station 




.image below: bean bag chair dream, alternate scale representation 





.image below: large bean bag chair and three small bottles of water detail 






.wake up




.winter pigeon, ice cream sandwich on the street 




.        5         35          3585835            3            83           8         35538          58          538   




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