Thursday, December 21, 2023

thursday 21

thursday 21



.image set below: title: 'pink with pink on pink'











.dream: on a school playground, lots of kids in front of me, two baskets of clean 

laundry on my right, i starts throwing clothes at the kids, socks, shirts, and such, 

kids are grabbing the clothes as i throw them at them, 


.a kid approaches on my left, i give him a sock, kid throws sock at other kids, then 

the kid starts taking laundry directly from the baskets and throwing them at the 

kids, another smaller kid approaches and starts to fight with the kid throwing 

laundry, end scene, 


.walking outside, come around the corner of a house, two guys in a field 

below, they're trying to move a truck, 'big guy' they say, end dream 



.a - kids in playground                          b - me 

c - two baskets of clean laundry           d - kid throwing laundry with me 


e - other kid                                          f - corner of house 

g - two guys in field                              h - me 




.image below: playground and laundry scene detail 





.image below: two baskets of clean laundry detail 






.dream: holding a grey clay sphere, slightly larger than a baseball, hole in sphere, i 

put my hands in hole and turn sphere inside out, now on the outside of the sphere, 

what was the inside, are lots of little clay nodes, 


.one node did not develop, and on two of the nodes are plastic covers, 

end dream 



.a - clay sphere                         b - i turn sphere inside out 

c - nodes on sphere                  d - one node not developed 


e - plastic covers on two nodes 

f - clay sphere with nodes visible 





.wake up




.image set below: title: 'light blue with light blue on light blue'




.        5           25            2575275          2            72          7         25527        57        257     




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