Friday, December 22, 2023

friday 22

friday 22



.image set below: title: 'celestial star light (white on black)'











.dream: i'm applying for a job, just received a letter, letter is from my old korean 

teacher (d.c), d.c sent the letter to my mom and she then sent it to me, i'll need 

a reference for the job and d.c is a good reference, letter has his phone number on it, 


.i want to call mother and verify the number, call number, a text message response 

comes in, phone can convert text to voice, 


.i look up, interview guy at a desk, i ask him if he wants to do the interview now, 

he says tomorrow, 


.truck something, one red line, the two red line option is not presented, end dream 



.a - letter mailed twice                         b - cell phone 

c - interview guy                                  d - truck something 




.image below: letter sent twice detail 





.image below: truck something detail 






.dream: in living room of house from high school, sitting on couch, looking at a 

computer, would like to see what math classes are being offered at the 

university, open up the class time schedule, seems to be from 

january two thousand nine, end dream 



.a - living room                             b - couch 

c - me                                            d - computer 




.image below: university time schedule detail 











.wake up


.gym, milk 


.image set below: title: 'celestial star light (black on white)'




.       3         23          2383283             2             82          8       38832         38          283      




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