Wednesday, December 27, 2023

wednesday 27

wednesday 27



.image set below: title: 'extreme physical pain' 





.dream: in a hospital, get up from a hospital bed, end scene, 


.walking outside, a group of people is leaving an area, see a lady i may know, she 

walks right by me, large new construction site on the left, serious construction guy 

looking at the site, 


.a group of military aircraft flies by overhead, modern fighter jets, on the under side of 

each plane is a letter, seems to spell out 'oscar', i look at the ground, an important 

curb is being worked on, i start to draw a line in the dirt, 


.two construction guys come over, they're pouring blue electronic concrete in the 

area where i made the mark in the dirt, making a sidewalk, i tell them this 

is a critical area, a junction between the heavy construction area and a more 

natural area, i say these two construction men are very important, 


.one of the guys approaches me, grabs my right hand hard, some bones pop 

into alignment in my right hand and wrist, i thank the guy, end scene, 


.wake up in side room, look out window, construction site and vehicles visible, i 

need to go check out this important sidewalk area, get up, float up to top of stairs, 

float back down, floating around room, push off wall, cat below me, go outside, 


.look over to construction site, not as extensive as i thought, it's just the neighbor 

guy doing some yard work, cutting down a tree, spring time, lots of new 

plant growth, 


.there's a tall flowering plant on our property, aunt has some long pole clippers, 

cutting off all of the flowering blossoms, only one left, 'leave one for the bees' i 

yell out to her, she trims the last blossom but does not cut it off, end dream 



.a - hospital bed                             b - people leaving area 

c - lady i may know                       d - construction site 


e - military aircraft                         f - sidewalk of interest 

g - construction workers                h - i wake up 


i - stairs                                          j - cat 

k - neighbor doing yard work         l - aunt with pole clippers 

m - tall flowering plant 




.image below: military aircraft with letters on undersides detail 





.image below: new construction site and sidewalk of interest detail 





.image below: neighbor doing yard work and tall flowering plant detail 











.dream: outside, in front of a home depot store, 


.<<begin sexual content advisory>>


.a ladyboy walks by, penis and testicles bulging in the crotch of her tight black pants, 

i'm turned on, ladyboy enters home depot, i follow close behind her, ladyboy bends 

over to pick up a shopping basket, i grab her around the waist and lead her into 

bathroom on the right, 


.in bathroom with ladyboy, pull down my pants, boner, ladyboy starts to 

suck me off, end scene, 


.<<end sexual content advisory>>


.in a weed store, worker guy shows me some buds in a glass jar, i smell them, 

no smell, guy says he can't give the buds to me but he can let me sell them if i 

bring him back the money, i decline, guy gives me the buds anyways, end scene, 


.outside, i'm been sleeping on the streets for a couple nights, dirty pants, home 

depot store is behind me, cleaning off my pants, about to go into home depot, end dream 



.a - me                                     b - ladyboy 

c - entrance to home depot 

d - bathroom                            e - marijuana store 


f - worker guy                          g - me 

h - me on street                        i - home depot 




.image below: marijuana buds in glass jar detail 






.wake up


.park, rain, groceries 




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