Saturday, December 16, 2023

saturday 16

saturday 16



.image set below: title: '{[(red) blued] greened} '





.dream: in a van, moving, aunt is driving me around, she's about to drop me off by 

a military base and wants to get me as close as possible, van stops, i get out, 

i drop two bags on the ground and start to cough, end dream 


.dream: in a house, friend (a.h) is in the kitchen, i go to a cabinet and pull out three 

packages of new skittles candy, different design on the package, go into kitchen, 

show a.h the new skittles, i give him some, he starts to burn some on a hot plate, 

end dream 



.a - van                             b - entrance to military base 

c - me with two bags, coughing 

d - cabinet with skittles candy 

e - me                                f - a.h by hot plate 




.image below: van dream detail 





.image below: me coughing detail 





.image below: new skittles dream detail 





.image below: new skittles packaging detail 















.wake up


.bicycle, milk 


.image set below: title: 'and how do you feel today sir ... '




.       6        36          3676376            3           73           7       36637        67           367     




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