Thursday, December 7, 2023

thursday 07

thursday 07












.dream: a piece of cardboard is covered in black plastic, several holes in one 

side, i use my key to poke through two holes, then i use my key to 

rip some of the black plastic, revealing the cardboard underneath, end dream 



.dream: in a classroom, my phone rings, i go out into hall, a lady is calling about a job i 

applied for, she says there's nothing open, says i sent a lot of emails, she asks me 

something, reception is bad, asks again, can't understand, asks again, she seems 

to be asking about the four stages of listening comprehension, i answer, 


.go into bathroom, lady on phone says 'no', i go back into class, not wearing a shirt, 

i pass between two girls, my bare shoulders rub up against their bare thighs, 

one girl jumps up on my back piggy back style, says i'm all muscley, i say i 

do not fight, i run away from fights, 


.i sit in my chair, girl is still on my back, there are buttons on the knees of 

her jeans, i reach forwards and undo both buttons, end dream 



.a - classroom                         b - talking on phone in hall 

c - bathroom                           d - adjacent classrooms 

e - go back into class              f - two girls 

g - girl on my back 




.image below: buttons on knees of jeans detail 






.dream: in a room, playing chess with a friend (n.s), we just finished a game, friend's 

dad (k.s) enters room, he's on the phone, when me and n.s throw all the pieces down to 

start a new game, it's loud, might interrupt k.s's phone call, we place the pieces 

directly on the board instead, not as loud, end scene, 


.in my room, put on my running shoes, something in right shoe, pick it out, 

large maggot with many legs, throw maggot on ground, smash it, several 

other little bugs crawling around, i try and kill them as well, 


.go over to blanket, three pair of yellow shoes on blanket, look under bed, large 

ants crawling around, look under window, lots of ants and ticks crawling around, 

i go back under bed, start to smash and kill ticks and ants, end dream 



.a - me and n.s playing chess 

b - k.s on phone                                 c - blanket and three pair yellow shoes

d - ants and ticks under bed               e - ants and ticks under window 

f - me                                                  g - door 




.image below: chess board detail





.image below: three pair yellow shoes and ticks and ants detail 






.wake up






.      5          05         0565065           0          60          6       50660        56           056 




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