Monday, December 11, 2023

monday 11

monday 11



.image set below: title: 'pink, blacked' 





.dream: just got off a bus, in a small prison like cafeteria, eating a chicken drumstick at a 

table, breakfast time, finish with drumstick, going to throw away chicken skin in 

trash, i eat a bit of the skin, throw most of it away, end scene, 


.in a small private office with two of three workers, a guy comes in, he wants information 

about me, a worker hands the guy a computer hard disc with classified information about 

my construction and future plans, these office worker had planned a certain future 

for me but i didn't go according to plan and now this new guy is getting all 

my info to figure out where to go from here, i leave office, 


.in a large central room, i've leveled up and now all the people are people i don't know 

except for two guys on a couch, i go over to them and give them a balloon, i see a 

lady i know, i used to lift her up, she says something about a one hundred pound man, 

her husband is over on the left, 


.i approach lady, wrap my arms around her below her butt and try to lift her up, 

she's heavier now and wearing an orange jumpsuit, i have on a pink shirt with 

puffy sleeves, too slick, i can't lift her anymore, i move along, 


.crawling on the floor, a bunch of people outside are coming in, these are people 

that i was going to get to know but now that my future plans have changed, i 

won't get to know them, some of them are women with children, i keep crawling 



.another doorway up ahead where some guy is entering from outside, door to 

large cafeteria on left, this large cafeteria is where everyone is going, i enter 

cafeteria, large rectangle fold up tables with round chairs attached, 


.i sit right by exit, that way when the event starts, i can leave room real easy, 

screen, band is playing, they keep singing, 'three ninety five, that's ok', over and 

over again, end dream 



.a - bus                                         b - small cafeteria 

c - me eating chicken drumstick 

d - food service window              e - trash can 


f - small private office                  g - guy who takes classified hard disc 

h - two familiar guys on couch     

i - lady i try and lift up                  j - lady's husband 


k - people outside coming in         l - more people coming in 

m - large cafeteria                          n - screen with band playing 




.image below: future plans dream, alternate scale representation 





.image below: chicken drumstick detail 





.image below: classified computer hard disc detail 





.image below: trying to lift up woman detail 





.image below: song lyrics detail 















.wake up






.       5         25           2585825            2            82           8       52258         58          285     




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