Sunday, December 10, 2023

sunday 10

sunday 10



.image set below: title: 'sun rise, vandalized' 











.dream: in an antique mall, painting store, paintings all over, walls, shelves, i'm looking 

around, guy comes up to me, asks me if he can help me find something, i mention 

color and black and white, every time i look back at something in this store, the 

thing has changed, no one painting ever stays the same, 


.another guy shows up, the two guys are twins, i look into their eyes, end scene, 


.running around to main mall area, coming from the side back area, run this way again, 

go up to lady at desk, alice, some other people are standing around, they recommend i 

buy something, i show alice my red bank card, she gives it back to me, card is 

now bent, i unbend it and put it back in wallet, 


.go over to another section of store, magazines, i pick on out at random, 

says 'henocide' on the cover, take it up to clerk, i should buy something else, 

lots of vietnam war pamphlets by clerk, clerk seems to be a soldier who was 

killed in the vietnam war, 


.clerk tells me his room number and his wife's phone number then says 

that his wife has been appearing the the ghost rider comic but was absent 

last month, i pay for the magazine and pamphlet with a different bank card, 

show the clerk my red card, 


.some people enter to buy some stuff, a big guy enters, this big guy beat me up 

before, i approach him with a pen, ask if he wants to fight me later, guy declines, 

i give him the pen for later, he misunderstands and thinks that i want him to 

'fold' me again, 


.two other huge men appear, they surround me, misunderstanding, the guy 

then realizes that i was asking him for a one-on-one fight, guy isn't so 

sure about that, 


.i go back to counter, a lady has put down a maroon notebook on counter in 

preparation for next transaction, i leave, end dream 



.a - antique mall                             b - me in painting store 

c - two guys                                    d - back side entrance to main mall area 


e - lady at desk (alice) who bends my red bank card 

f - magazine rack                             g - vietnam war pamphlets 


h - clerk guy who died as a soldier in vietnam war 

i - three big guys who almost 'fold' me 

j - lady and guy setting up for next transaction 




.image below: antique mall dream, alternate scale representation 





.image below: red bent bank card detail 





.image below: magazine and pamphlet detail 











.wake up






.          8           18          1898198           1            91          9         18819          89         819      




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