Friday, December 29, 2023

friday 29

friday 29



.image set below: title: 'unbearable physical pain' 





.dream: high cliff, camper trailer on top of cliff, aunt is in camper cooking, i try and 

move past her, some kind of green vine boundary line, aunt helps me move vine 

and i exit trailer, friend's mom (a.s) is outside cooking, dime, end scene, 


.hotdogs on rollers, end scene, 


.two men, ejaculating penis, end dream 



.a - high cliff                                     b - camper trailer 

c - aunt cooking                                d - green vine boundary 

e - friend's mom (a.s) cooking          f - two men 




.image below: vine boundary line in camper trailer detail 











.dream: in a house in turkey, me and aunt, aunt goes up to lady in kitchen, i go 

into kitchen, lady calls me cabbie, me and aunt leave kitchen, need to 

get back to van, aunt has been driving me around but her dementia is 

getting worse and she probably shouldn't be driving anymore, 


.aunt goes up to cabinet, this cabinet gives direct access to our van, 

aunt can't get her key to work, we leave cabinet, i go up some stairs, 

two round doors, i open door on left, bookshelves behind doors, go 

back down stairs, 


.go outside with aunt, walking on sidewalk, we'll just go around to van, 

end scene, 


.in a supermarket, eating an orange i just bought, some guy wants a piece, 

i give him an orange slice, guy said i paid sixteen dollars for this orange, 

seems a little high, the weekend staff is in the supermarket, i get up, go outside, 


.walking on sidewalk, enter target store, back to school clothing section, all 

i have on is a towel wrapped around my waist, looking at shirts, i might steal 

a shirt, decide against it, one shirt is by a familiar designer, two guys are 

talking about pricing options on the right, 


.a young boy comes over, sits on the floor, starts drawing in a book, his mom is 

by him, a store worker comes by, tells the kid he can't color in the book, he's 

lost millions making up for stuff like this, i move along, some lego kits catch my eye, 


.underwater adventure lego kits, one is a king with lots of money, another is 

a shark mermaid guy in prison with a gun, end dream 



.a - house in turkey                             b - lady 

c - field visible in window                  d - aunt 


e - me                                                   f - cabinet 

g - bookshelves                                     h - door 


i - walking outside                                 j - supermarket 

k - me eating orange                              l - guy 

m - weekend staff                                   n - sidewalk outside 


o - target store                                         p - back to school clothing 

q - two guys, price discussion                 r - kid writing and his mom 

s - store worker                                        t - small lego kits 




.image below: back to school clothing dream, alternate scale representation 





.image below: cabinet (right) and bookshelves (left) detail 





.image below: orange, folded shirt by familiar designer and lego kits detail 






.wake up


.skateboard, skateboard, milk 




.          3           23           2393923          2           92           9       39932         39         329    




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