Tuesday, December 26, 2023

tuesday 26

tuesday 26



.image set below: title: 'electric eel sex orgy' 





.dream: camping with n.s, he asks me if i've ever been in the government decision 

chamber, i leave to go check it out, enter government building, no one inside, 

beyond a single step down on the right is a large room where all the 

representatives meet to make decisions, n.s is a representative, 


.they'll be meeting in here soon to discuss making major changes to the constitution, 

old sewing table by wall, i rip up a bunch of white paper napkins and throw them 

on the floor, write with ketchup 'clean up' on the floor, leave building, 


.outside, go up some concrete stairs, a guy from the opposite team is approaching, 

he'll sleep in the government building tonight, end dream 



.a - me camping                         b - n.s 

c - entrance to government building 

d - one step down                       e - main discussion room 


f - old sewing table                     g - napkins and ketchup on floor 

h - i go up steps                           i - guy who will sleep in building 




.image below: napkins and ketchup on floor detail 






.dream: auditorium room, a fat guy is being carried on a stretcher by a group of 

scientists, the scientists cut the fat off the guy's body and he stands up and goes up 

on the stage, holds up his right hand, two white wires are coming out from his right 

wrist, end scene, 


.i'm playing a small stringed instrument, part ukulele, part mandolin, supporting 

instrument with left hand, strumming it with right, switch hands, much more 

difficult to support instrument with right hand, end scene, 


.walking across a bridge, dark outside, below is a navy ship in dry dock with the 

upper deck removed, now there are sailors on the ship, they're wearing utilities with 

black neck ties tucked into the middle of their shirts, 


.lots of stairs by ship, the crew is coming down the stairs, several junior officers 

are going up the stairs and interacting with the crew, i'm in a room now, submarine 

captain enters room, i leave room, end scene, 


.enter into a bathroom, go up to urinal to pee, couple other guys peeing, go to wash 

my hands, friend (n.v) and a young girl go up to sink, the girl goes to the faucet i was 

going to use, n.v introduces her as his sister, named jeshua, 


.i call her by name and ask her something, she looks up at me, blond hair, green eyes, 

brown mole on her face, end dream 



.a - group of scientists                     b - guy has his fat removed 

c - two white wires coming out from his right wrist 

d, e - playing stringed instrument 


f - navy ship with top deck removed 

g - officers and crew                         h - me 

i - submarine captain                         j - bathroom 


k - urinals                                          l - sink with two faucets 

m - n.v                                               n - green eyed girl 




.image below: two white wires on guy's right wrist detail 





.image below: small stringed instrument detail 





.image below: green eyes of young girl detail 







.                https://dddurb5r.wordpress.com/2023/12/26/dream-26-dec-2023/




.wake up




.image set below: title: 'hyperbolic moon shift' 




.             0         90          9010901        9         19           1      90091        01         910    




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