Monday, December 18, 2023

monday 18

monday 18



.image set below: green with green on green  





.dream: outside, walking with a guy, i want to check all the bikes i locked up, blue bikes, 

go over to the bikes with left handed seats, only one left, some have been stolen, the 

bikes with right handed seats are all there, 


.look up on higher road, someone goes speeding by on my stolen bike, i follow them, 

building, end scene, 


.a skateboarder is practicing fakie manuals and nollie manuals, a guy is trying to label 

the skater as a black skater, this isn't right because the skater is skating both ways, 

fakie and nollie and just one label wouldn't be right, the label guy then tells the 

skater that the skater's dream job is skating both ways, 


.this is like a revelation to the skater and opens up his mind to all new ways of 

thinking, end dream 



.a - some guy                                 b - me 

c - right hand bicycle                     d - left hand bicycle 


e - person who stole left hand bike 

f - building                                     g - skateboarder 

h - guy 




.image below: skateboarding scene detail 





.image below: right and left handed bicycle seats detail 















.dream: walking outside a school, lady (c.l) helps me get past the fence, i'm carrying a 

blue box, i came into the school before but got kicked out, 


.i sit down on blue box at a table with kids, kids ask me some questions, i tell them 

that a company got me here, i come back to table, less people in room now, one 

kid eats glue, 


.on a bus, little girl next to me is eating glue, i look behind me, a kid with 

sunglasses and gnarled teeth says 'ghost', i think this is really cool, 

behind me are more kids eating glue, end scene, 


.in a small house in alaska, i'm straddling a brown bucket filled with ice water, 

my penis and testicles are submerged in ice cold water, i get up, close door 

a bit, door is not solid, 


.in a different room, a doctor is shooting hoops with a makeshift ball in 

a makeshift net, i shoot the ball a bit as well, i leave, another guy enters 

room, end scene, 


.walking outside, a guy is sitting down and smoking, i put down two large 

bags filled with my stuff and sit next to guy, ask him about a lighter, i say 

condom, guy asks why i call it that, i say rubber or jimmy hat or 

'пресерватив' (preservativ), which is russian for condom, 


.apparently this is some code word, i mention spies, some guys below 

mention spies as well, further below is a podium, some lady was to give a 

speech but cut it short on mention of spies, two people are walking 

towards podium below, end dream 



.a - me and c.l                             b - fence 

c - kids at table in school            d - bus 


e - kids eating glue                      f - small house in alaska 

g - washing machine                    h - brown bucket of ice water 

i - door to outside                         j - make shift basketball hoop 


k - doctor                                      l - some guy 

m - guy smoking                           n - guys below 

o - podium farther below               p - two people walking 




.image below: blue box detail 





.image below: kid eating glue detail 





.image below: kid with sunglasses and gnarled teeth detail 





.image below: brown bucket of ice water detail 






.wake up


.park, rain 


.image set below: red with red on red 




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