Sunday, December 31, 2023

sunday 31

sunday 31



.image below: title: 'circles on black, progression of reds' 





.dream: outside a parked van, n.s will go with his brother, a.s, and his parents and not 

continue on with me in the van, 


.in the van, drop off l.s by a small white house, this is the most difficult time for m.s 

because all her siblings are gone, end scene, 


.by a parked white van in a field of grass, brother next to me, bare feet in the 

green grass, grandparents are approaching, 'watch this' brother says and starts to 

run, he catches four or five hats that are thrown at him, end scene, 


.in a restaurant, finish eating, two military guys need to get back to the base, i 

can drive them since i have my military retired ID, everyone leaves the restaurant, 

putting on my socks and shoes outside, i'm the slowest person and the last guy to leave, 


.walking on a sidewalk, going to the van, some lady is falling into a puddle in the sidewalk, 

some lady is yelling, it's only a recording of a lady yelling, i move along, going to the 

van to drive the two military guys to the base, two women on my left, they mention some 

stuff in the news, rain, stabbing something, 


.get to van, back doors are open, lady (c.l) in the back left seat, i ask if the two military 

guys are in the van, they pop their heads up, sitting in the middle seat on the left, i shut 

back right door, back left door, go around to right side door, getting ready to drive the 

van, end dream 



.a - n.s, his brother and parents                     b - me by van 

c - dropping of l.s                                          d - me and brother 


e - grandparents                                             f - brother running and catching hats 

g - restaurant                                                 h - putting on shoes and socks 


i - lady sinking in water                                j - lady yelling (recording) 

k - two women                                              l - van i'll drive 




.image below: grandparents in field and brother catching hats scene detail 





.image below: view into van with back doors open detail 











.dream: i'm reading something, white letters on a black background, the word 'lice' keeps 

popping up, pronounced 'lee-tse', apparently some lady says this word a lot, end dream 




.dream: in a building, go over to a washing machine, pick up some item, merchandise 

here, about to go into store where i buy noodles, enter store, guy is vacuuming 

floor with a shop vac, tells me to come back later, i leave, end scene, 


.in a classroom, lady on my right, teacher down below, the lady next to me had 

written on the wall, she erases what she wrote, end scene, 


.in an air force communications classroom, presentation time, friend (g.h) is about 

to present, g.h reads something from a screen, something about having two hours 

of communication, g.h starts to sing a song, 


.i notice i'm wearing a mask, black wire attached to mask, wire has been cut, 


.g.h finishes his song, i start handing him a bunch of cables, some green wire is 

a ground wire, there's a bunch of gold fingernail covers, something for me to use 

as medication, i mention these are for my fingernails, some guy says 'indentation', 

i say 'yea, my fucking fingernail indentation', guy starts to laugh, end dream 



.a - me                                 b - washing machine and merchandise 

c - noodle store                    d - guy with shop vac 


e - classroom                        f - me 

g - lady who wrote on wall 

h - female teacher                 i - air force communications classroom 


j - g.h singing                        k - giving cables to g.h 

l - guy laughing                     m - window 




.image below: noodle store scene, alternate scale representation 





.image below: shop vac detail 





.image below: cables and ground wire detail 





.dream: a young girl is becoming more active, says she's gonna start complaining more, end dream 





.wake up




.image below: title: 'white and black with light blue on blue' 




.          1            01         0141401         0           40           4       14410         14         410      




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