Saturday, December 23, 2023

saturday 23

saturday 23



.image set below: title: 'biological' 











.dream: need to turn in my homework, go into aunt's bedroom, aunt is in bedroom, 

i get my homework, possibly math, possibly croatian, done in crayon, didn't finish 

the assignment, i pick up papers, leave room, end scene, 


.in a supermarket in turkey, in line, holding a bottle, lady and her daughter at 

counter, they want to buy alcohol, my turn, approach counter, put down bottle, 

notice a painting on the wall, done from a photo, ornamental animal head, people 

camping in the background, end scene, 


.sitting on side of the road, a horse pulling a cart and two guys walking along side 

come by, some dirt gets on the right side of my head, i get up, in the cart are two 

horse heads, one is dead, one is almost dead, 


.walking on the road now, brush off dirt from the left side of my head, the 

horse pulling the cart is much smaller now, green grass, the two guys stop the 

cart, release the horse, good spot to graze, i take something out from my 

mouth, throw it on the ground, 


.the horse is now a small pig, sniffs the ground, runs off the road, i run up a hill, 

end scene, 


.in a room, watching tv, time to get up, put on my socks, several dogs enter 

building, they sniff me in the room, one dog enters room, i support it's front legs 

and pet its stomach, other dog enters room, end scene, 


.semi-conscious scene: 


.note: no visual activity with this scene, just my verbal mind active, end note, 


.an object has entered a meteor field in space, the object is trapped in the 

meteor field, lots of cesium, the object is able to develop a search engine and 

escapes from the meteor field, some scientists believe that the object may be a 

nuclear bomb from nineteen eighty seven, end dream 



.a - aunt in her bedroom                             b - my homework 

c - store in turkey                                       d - lady at register 


e - woman and her daughter                       f - painting 

g - me outside                                             h - horse pulling cart 

i - two horse heads                                      j - two turkish guys 


k - grazing area                                           l - pig runs off road 

m - me running up hill                                n - watching tv 

o - put on socks                                           p - several dogs 

q - meteor field scene 




.image below: horse heads dream, alternate scale representation 





.image below: painting in store in turkey detail 





.image below: horse pulling cart with two horse heads inside detail 





.image below: pig runs off road scene detail 





.image below: dogs enter room scene detail 











.dream: in a lady's house (p.w), in the living room, sitting on the couch, tv is on, 

friend (g.h) is on my right, i have a ball of clay in my hands, i'm making a penis and 

testicles with the clay, finish, get up, walk a bit, turn around, display my work, end dream 



.a - me with ball of clay 

b - friend (g.h) 

c - tv 





.wake up 




.image set below: title: 'musical' 




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