Tuesday, December 12, 2023

tuesday 12

tuesday 12



.image below: title: 'galactic star light' 







.                https://dddurb5r.wordpress.com/2023/12/12/dream-12-dec-2023/




.                https://dddurbfive.wixsite.com/dddurb5w/post/dream-12-dec-2023




.dream: in hometown from elementary school, running, stop on a stone to tighten 

shorts, guy and his daughter behind me, lady following me, i start running 

again, up a hill, 


.pass by g.h's house on the right, large shipping container type box in the 

street, running becomes difficult, i slow down, i've been carrying a pillow and 

put it down on the concrete road, end scene, 


.in a room with mother, toys on a shelf in front of us, brother enters room, 

money on his mind, starts talking about money, mother says there's a bit 

of money for both of us, 


.brother asks how much, i tell him he's too concerned about money, brother 

mentions a money war and leaves room, end dream 



.a - me running                         b - stop on stone to tighten shorts 

c - guy and his daughter           d - lady 


e - up hill                                   f - g.h's house 

g - box in road                           h - i put down pillow 


i - me in room                            j - mother 

k - toys on shelf                         l - brother 

m - door 




.image below: running on road scene detail 





.image below: pillow detail 





.image below: money war scene detail 






.wake up




.fluffy bunny warning on the marshmallow package 




.         4          34          3484834            3          83          8       48338       48        384     




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