Friday, December 15, 2023

friday 15

friday 15



.image below: title: 'inverted rain'











.dream: driving a car, park on side of road, thrift store on other side of road, dream 

continues around the corner, same thrift store, line of people, i've parked behind a van, 

van not running, water coming out from the front, a guy is working on the van, 


.talk with guy, talk about the day being tuesday, i back up my car so the guy can 

work on his van, my car is a blue hatch back, park car, get out, now me and my 

car are on other side of road, 


.go over to a farm, hand my yellow bicycle over a wooden fence to a farmer, farmer 

hands me back a yellow bicycle pump, follow farmer, enter a room, a 

group of people are filming a movie and hitting around a small black hockey puck 

on the floor, 


.i pick up the hockey puck, say i need to speak with arnold schwarzenegger, a 

big guy corrects me 'what you mean to say is 'i would like to speak with arnold'', 

i move down into a lower room, speaking with arnold, 


.he points out a lady to me, says he'd like for me to work with her alone, 

end dream 




.a - park car on side of road                     b - thrift store 

c - dream continues around corner           d - same thrift store 


e - line of people                                       f - van not running, maintenance issues 

g - i back up car                                         h - my car now on other side of street 

i - outside farm area                                   j - bicycle 


k - farmer hands me back bike pump         l - people filming movie, playing hockey 

m - i pick up puck                                       n - me and arnold schwarzenegger 

o - lady i'm supposed to work with alone 




.image below: hockey puck dream, alternate scale representation 





.image below: yellow bicycle and bicycle pump detail 





.image below: small black hockey puck on wooden floor detail 











.wake up 


.swim, skateboard 




.        4          34          3454354           3           53           5       34435       45           435     




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