Saturday, December 30, 2023

saturday 30

saturday 30



.image set below: title: 'physical pain, not as bad as yesterday' 





.dream: on the top deck of a large yacht, moving across water, approaching down hill 

water area up ahead, captain of yacht is on my left, i look back behind at the wake, a 

small remote control boat is following in the wake, i'm holding an iron and 

am using it to control the small boat in the wake, 


.the captain chuckles, says i'm really trying this time, the small boat starts 

moving real fast in the wake, 'lightning speed' i say, then the small boat hits something 

and flies up in the air, moves backwards flipping and lands, 

'i've just dumped my crew' i say and run back to where the small boat landed, 


.the small remote control boat is now a full sized red minivan, some kids are 

leaving the van, one has a skateboard, a lady is looking around and a bit confused, 

'what do we do now' she asks, i say 'you're free, free in america', the lady 

says something to another lady, then something about being in the 

nine eleven zone, seems like they'll set up a laundromat, end dream 



.a - large yacht                                 b - downhill water area 

c - me                                               d - yacht captain 


e - wake from yacht                         f - small remote control boat 

g - boat flips back                             h - red minivan 

i - two women and kids                    j - me 




.image below: small remote control boat becomes full sized red minivan detail 






.dream: on a beach in hawaii, a group of high school students are on the beach and 

protesting because they want a surfing class offered at their school, they're chanting 

about what they know and don't know, i move along, turn inland, the potential 

surf instructor is on my right, says he'll have to cut the surf class curriculum short, 

end scene, 


.in the front of a moving vehicle with friend (p.j), vehicle is now on a floating 

track, bay on the left, i say the house we came from is a bit farther back, p.j says 

that most people don't notice that, some kind of track transition, now 

we're moving through medical offices at the university of washington, vehicle stops, 


.in a classroom, working on some notes for an upcoming project, i get up, classroom 

has shifted to the start of the track location, put notes on table, need to catch the 

train again, some note about annoying something, twelve fifteen, five minutes to 

get to train, clock is backwards, would be twelve forty five but it's twelve fifteen, 


leave class, walking down some stairs with two women, right turn, another right turn, 

going up some stairs to catch the train, end dream 



.a - beach in hawaii                             b - water 

c - group of high school kids               d - surf class teacher 

e - me and p.j in car                             f - bay 


g - uw medical offices                          h - in classroom, working on notes 

i - same classroom, finish with notes  

j - me and two women, down stairs      k - going to train, up stairs 




.image below: hawaii and train dream, alternate scale representation 





.image below: bay on left detail 















.wake up


.gym, potatoes 




.         7           17           1797917        1           91         9        71179        79         197     




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