Saturday, December 2, 2023

saturday 02

saturday 02






.dream: a cat is eating sugar, end scene, 


.a one syllable word is being said forwards and backwards, the vowel is 

a diphthong, end dream 



.image below: cat eating sugar detail 











.dream: in my barracks room, need to pee, go into other barracks room where the toilet is, 

toilet is large and filled with socks, this isn't a washing machine, it's a toilet, i throw all the 

socks in the shower behind me, start to pee, 


.talking to a guy as i'm peeing, finish peeing, blue sweatpants in toilet, i go back into 

my room, guy playing a video game, i lie down in bed, i have another barracks room 

in another building, but now i'm in this room, this room is for more junior people, 

my other room is for more senior people, 


.the guy i was talking to comes in through the window, no shirt on, he had a green shirt on 

in the other room, i comment that he's quite muscular, he says he was working on 

shrugs and shoulders, guy comes over and slaps two hands down on my bed then 

starts doing karate kicks by the wall, 


.i comment on how bodybuilding and fighting are very different activities, guy continues 

doing karate kicks and doesn't respond, then i say that if we're to mention fighters 

we should think about boxers as well, end dream 



.a - barracks room                         b - socks in large toilet 

c - shower                                      d - two beds 

e - guy i'm talking to                      f - other guys 


g - grass outside                             h - my other room 

i - guy playing video games           j - table 

k - me in bed                                   l - guy comes through window 




.image below: barracks room dream, alternate scale representation 





.image below: socks in large toilet detail 





.image below: guy playing video games detail 











.wake up


.gym, two small stones 




.       5        35       3585835         3        83         8       35583          58        385      




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