Monday, December 4, 2023

monday 04

monday 04



.heavy pink with blue and white on black 





.dream: in a movie theater, intermission, most people have left the room, several people 

are sleeping in their seats, i'm in the upper right area, i move down to the lower section, 

going from seat to seat, falling asleep, make it over to the right edge of the seating area, 


.some guy is talking about how some kid pooped down below and nobody came to 

clean it up for a long time, a bunch of people are out in the hallway, end dream 



.a - movie theater                             b - screen

c - middle row of seats with wood paneling 


d - me                                               e - people sleeping 

f - guy talking                                   g - area where kid pooped 

h - people in hallway 




.image below: movie theater dream, alternate scale representation 





.image below: my path in movie theater seats detail 






.dream: in a library, upper floor, i'm between classes and have about thirty minutes 

before next class starts, i'd like to do some studying, looking for place to sit, 


.walking near wall, on the left are two brown cushion chairs stacked up on 

each other, next to chairs is a sign, 'for elk chair use only' it reads, i pick up a 

chair, find a good spot, set chair down, about to sit and study, 


.a lady comes up to me tells me i can't use the chair, i put chair back, walking back the 

way i came, upset, lady is behind me, she says i can ask the librarian about the chair, 

.'you can ask your fucking mother' i respond, 


.i'm surprised by my own rude and vulgar language, the lady behind me tries to 

hand me a book, book has a white spiral binding, i'm still pissed about the 

chair and will not accept the book, maybe i can go study in the stairwell, 

end dream 



.a - upper floor of library 

b - two brown cushion chairs

c - sign 'for elk chair use only' 


d - guy sitting                                  e - i'm about to sit

f - lady tells me i can't sit                g - put chair back 


h - lady walking behind me offers me a book 

i - i do not accept book                    j - lady at info desk 

k - door to stairwell 




.image below: library chair dream, alternate scale representation 





.image below: two brown cushion chairs and sign detail 





.image below: book with spiral binding detail 











.wake up


.swim, bedding 




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